Giselle looked at the men in black who opened the door for them before she turned her head back to Dean and whispered, "If no one lives here, why do they..."

He raised his brows briefly before catching on to what she meant. "Oh, they're just doing their jobs, protecting our properties as usual. I don't even know to whom the old man gave this place. I am not interested in finding out either. Oh well, I can't say anything until we get to hear what my father said in his will. But that won't be happening any time soon until Aaron gets his ass back to the state."

She nodded in agreement. Dean inclined his neck after talking to her. In his typical deep voice, he gave a command to his men. "Get the basement room ready. And, I don't want any interruptions if not necessary."

They didn't verbally reply. Instead, they began to do what they were told to.

When they arrived inside the mansion, Dean slid his hand down to hold her by the wrist. "Come this way." He said at the same time that he dragged her toward the spiral stair on another side of the mansion. "Why are you in awe of a dead man's house?" He murmured mockingly after noticing her wide gaze which was filled with curiosity. "You're looking like a lost puppy right now. Your house was not any less of the size of this place."

Her eyes shifted to lock on his as she climbed the stair beside him.

Dean was not sure if his words reminded her of her family the seconds that he noticed her expression turned dark. Was it because he mentioned her house? He tightened his grip around her wrist, making her fake a smile at him with sadness displayed in her eyes.

"Sorry," She mumbled.

He cleared his throat as they reached upstairs. "That was not intentional." He stated.

She gave a quick scan at the quiet floor. "My house was not as big as this. But, for some reason... it does remind me of my house. The decoration is unique here and that makes a huge difference. Maybe-"

"It looks a bit traditional, isn't it? My father liked to collect those ancient Chinese artifacts... He met my mother in China. Some rumors said that he kept those to remind himself of my mother. I doubt it."

When they arrived at one door at the end of the hall, Dean turned to face her.

"Whose room is this?" Giselle asked as she scrutinized the door.

He forced a smile shortly at her before backing up a little to press his back against the entrance. "My room." He murmured lowly as he pulled out the key from the pocket and then inserted it into the doorknob.

"Why is it that I am nervous to see what's inside?" She mumbled at the same time that she raised one hand to cover her chest. "My heart is pounding for like no reason."

"It would be crazy if you are not nervous. The fact that I bring you all the way here to a big ass empty mansion in the middle of nowhere should be hella sketchy enough." His voice turned serious. "It's pretty quiet in this area. There are no police passing by here. The second that the road became ghostly silent... that was where our private property line began."

"I see."

"Ready?" He asked as he opened the door slowly. "Come in first. I will turn on the light after."

She glanced between his eyes and the dark room behind him before deciding to step in. After a few feets into the room, she asked, "Why do you put up a black curtain? There's literally no light in here."

Suddenly, the sound of the door shut behind her echoed throughout the room.

"Dean!" She called his name in panic while blindly turning around in the dark. Just when she started to frighten and called out his name, thinking that he locked her up, a pair of arms snaked around her tiny waist.

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