Created lovers

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Cole. On the phone walking back an forth what is taking them so long .?
Emmet - I should have protected her more it's all my faught..
Bull -don't say that man !we protected her as much we could it was just an accident
Izakaya -omg my brother going be mad what could have possibly happen I know she wasn't feeling good for a week or so maybe we shouldn't have went out. this never would have happend.
Doctor walks out: who is the young lady family..?
All the guys answered well here the issue she's pregnant an been drinking an also getting pushed into table she bleeding inside we need to do surgery everyone face gave a blank stare
Cole drop's the phone. Izakaya she's what!!?
pregnant the doctors say's we need to be quick with a answer. Or her an the baby want make it. Cole looks at the guys then izakaya..izakaya your her brother in law you decide.
Of course do what you need to save them both!
The doctor then rushes back..Cole picks up phone an walks out the hospital. Hours pass by when will she be out ? an where did cole go?..
Another hour passes by Jake come rushing into the hospital what happened he said angrily where is she.. doctor finally walks is she doctor asked Jake she stable the baby stable says doctor he shakes doctor hand thank you..
Hours pass by
Mia finally coming through what happend I asked?
I look over to see Jake an the guys.. you're awake Says Emmet I'll go get the doctor bull walks out with him. Sister In law your up how are you feeling I smiled saying im.okay just sore. I'll.go get you some water he says..I nod. I turn over to Jake you can see worry an anger on his face . Hi I said he grabs me an hug me im.sorrry I shouldn't have left you. I know you had go for work it's okay. No it's not okay on you will go with me..I promised to keep you safe..but's okay I said again. Did I hear the doctor right I'm pregnant he looks at me with smile on his face yes your pregnant I lay back shocked an scared what's wrong. He asked. Alot I'm only 21 not married what will other's think.. he sighs an lay back I wanted to wait but he proceeded to go down on one knee we known each other our whole lives. We only just became partners but I love you I want spend our entire life together. Will you marry me. I started crying yes I will I replied. He hugs me while laying me back down gently in the bed. Now that your my future wife we have alot things to figure out but you need to get better soon your carrying my son..I chuckled how do you know it's a boy I just know he said while laughing back..just then everyone returned to the room well you two look cozy Emmett says

hey sis in law that's how you got that baby In your stomach now says izakaya

Bull -okay guys let's give these love birds some more space get better soon the guys say..the guys leave out an he calls in Cole. His face lights up he ask me are you back to feeling better mam.? you gave us a scare. I said yes. While smiling..Jake speaks asking is everything taken care of he Nods yes sir. I look over at jake what's going on.? He says in the most coldest voice they must pay for hurting my wife an son..I tried to reason with him saying it was just an accident. He told me to just rest he will take care of rest. I lay back knowing he will not listen... I must have doze off when I woke up it was the next day I wake up to Mama T smiling face..hey dear how are you feeling. I'm fine I replied just sore..she begins to tell me how a pregnant women should take care of herself. And how she's so excited to become a grandma I asked her where is Jake she said at office. I knew what that meant so I just nod she told me to get some rest. That she's here to take care of me. So I went to sleep. I was woken up to Mama T telling me it's time to eat. She tried her best to make me eat but everything makes me so sick. She felt so bad for making me sick but I reassured her that grandchild was picky already we both laughed then walked in Jake what are you to talking about he asked. We said told him. About how picky child his already. He comes up to rub my stomach don't talk about my son I laughed he can't hear you yet. He's just a little bean right now i said Tapping my stomach.i started thinking It's moment like this I will remember...

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