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TW; Rape, Blood, pet names, Stockholm Syndrome, self blame, knife, foul language,

    THE man slammed his fist against the wooden table, sending a loud banging sound throughout the room

    "I want the girl!" He boasted to his minions

    "S-sir, our best agents have her right now, and what's even so special about her when we have plenty of others?" A man in a red suit stuttered, gripping onto his clipboard

     "Those girls we have, have already been tested on and used, they're useless!" The man snarled. The boss man slowly backed away from the desk and grew an evil smirk, "And what makes her important... she's a Stark"


     "Y/n..we trust you, so we're going to allow you to stay here by yourself" Nat explained while she pulled a leather jacket over her shoulders

    "Not tied to the chair- that is" Wanda clarified. You nodded and waited for them to leave, "remember to not leave the house or you will get a punishment" Nat told you sternly, pecking a small kiss to your cheek then leaving with Wanda

    Once the door was closed, you heard the door being locked then their footsteps faded away.You walk over to the couch and turned on the TV, the news flashed on the screen and showed a picture of...you?

    "Well known Y/n Stark has been reported missing by brother, Tony Stark, on April 4th. It has been more than a week since Y/n Stark has been seen last at a bar at midnight." The news reporter explained.

    There were photos and videos of you on the screen just days before you were taken. So, somebody actually noticed, and surprisingly it was Tony, "If anybody has any information on where she is, call the local police and Tony Stark is offering a $3,500,000 reward" The reporter explained before switching to talk about sports and you turned off the TV.

    "Hello, Y/n" A deep voice said from the corner of the dark room.

    "Who's there!?" You asked, grabbing the kitchen knife that was beside you.

    "Don't be so scared...I'm just visiting again" The dark voice revealed themself and revealed the man from the other night.

    "Oh, you" You sighed, lowering the knife but still keeping a tight grip on it. He chuckled darkly, sending shivered down your spine, "Since your little captors are away, I just came to say hello" He explained as he suddenly snatched the knife from your hand and held it up against your neck while you back away

    "They're not just my captors...they're m-my friends..." You argued back, stepping back away from him whilst he stepped forward again.

    "Really? Then why are they keeping you from the world and locking up up, that doesn't sound like a friend?" He asked, his face mere inches away from yours.

    You winced as the knife he was holding went through skin and blood trickled down your neck, "I-" you choked out, backing away till your back hit the wall.

    "They're using you, Y/n. You might as well go back to your nice little life in the city as a Stark while you can" he husked.

    "No...NO! They're not using me, they-...they" You trailed off as tears began to slowly roll down your cheeks. You had thought you had seen something growing within their hearts...

    "Tsk, tsk, tsk...so foolable Y/n," He growled, "You're just like your brother" he laughed before backing away and grabbing something from his pockets

    Your eyes were to blurry to see, but you could feel how his grimy hands gripped onto your wrists, tying your hands together while he began to undress you form the bottom-down

    "No- please stop!" You pleaded, pulling on the rope while he bent down to you so he could kiss your trembling lips

    "Don't worry, it will only take a few minutes..." he comforted before he took off his own clothes


    Once the man had left, he put your clothes back on your weak body and left you on the floor of the hallway. He left through the shadows again
    It was as if he had a portal through shadows...

    You were on the ground with your head resting on your knees as your sobbed. Everything hurt where he left bruises and marks on your body.


    "Y/n, we're back!" Wanda's voice sang through the apartment. You quickly got up and crawled into the bathroom, locking it once inside. "Y/n?" Her voice asked again

    "Baby, are you in here?" Nat's voice rang through the air while she knocked on the opposite side of the door. Your sniffles echoed through the air as you tried to stand but barely could, sending a loud bang as you fell to the floor and hit your head on the counter.

    You raised your hand to your forehead and found blood on your finger tips.

    "Y/N!?" Nat yelled with worry evident in her voice. You cried louder as you saw blood drip onto the tile floor and your vision began to blur. As soon as you began to feel yourself go in and out of consciousness, Nat broke down the door, getting inside the bathroom where Nat and Wanda both immediately bent down to consult you.

    "Y/N!" Wanda exclaimed, bending down as she pulled you into her arms. You sobbed into her chest while Nat slowly rubbed your back.

    "What happened, baby?" Nat asked quietly, "I- uh..." You choked

   "You can tell us Y/n" Wanda confirmed, holding you tightly in her arms and pulling you farther into her lap. You turned your head in her neck, "I just..this guy was here and he..." you mumbled. Nat placed her hand under your chin, moving you head to face her.

    "What did he do?" Nat asked seriously, you just stared into her eyes while crying, knowing she already knew.

    "W-well, let's get you cleaned up now, your cut looks pretty nasty" Wanda says, trying to lighten the mood, "Okay..." You breathed. Nat got a bandage from the bathroom cabinet and wrapped up your bloody gash in your neck and forehead. Wanda brought you to your feet, your shaky legs barely holding you up.

    "Jump" Wanda mumbled, you did so obediently, wrapping your legs around Wanda's hips as you wrested your head in the crook of her neck.

    Nat smiled as she walked beside both of you. "Let's get to bed. You can stay in our room again..." Nat said as she opened the door for Wanda to carry you into.

    "I'm sorry we left you alone, doll" Wanda whispered while placing you in between her and Nat on the bed. "It's fine..." You whispered back, moving to face Wanda before placing a quick peck to her lips and doing the same to Nat, leaving them both flustered.

    "No, it's not fine! We're going to do our best to take care of you from now on" Wanda seethed

    "You need rest, that head injury definitely took a hit on you" Nat told you, moving to make you a little spoon and Wanda cuddled onto your arm.

    Being sandwiched between the both of them was something you never knew would bring you so much comfort and happiness. You had a small smile on your lips before falling asleep between the both of them.


    As you fell asleep between the woman, they quickly shared a glance, "How did a man get in here!?" Wanda exclaimed, trying to hold back her tears

    "I'm not sure, Wanda, but we must take care of her, be extra careful"


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