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Imperial Commander: His Pretty Wife Is Spoiled Rotten

Chapter 236 - Only When the Matter Was Blown up would the Charade Become More Entertaining


C236 - Only When the Matter Was Blown up would the Charade Become More Entertaining


Chapter 236: Only When the Matter Was Blown up would the Charade Become More Entertaining

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Before Yun Xi went home, she called the family’s housekeeper and asked if her father had any entertaining for business that day.

If he had to entertain for his business, she would return later. If he had no entertaining to do, she would return on time.

This was because, if her father wasn’t at home, she would have to deal with her mother, and she really wasn’t in the mood for that.

Moreover, if her dad wasn’t home, this whole production wouldn’t be as gratifying, watching her mother’s humiliation.

However, there was going to be a good show waiting for her when she returned home today.

Liang Xinyi was still being detained at the police station, and, knowing her mother’s temperament, she probably wasn’t going to feel satisfied until she had stirred up a ruckus.

The housekeeper told Yun Xi that Yun Yuanfeng did not have any entertaining to do and would be home for dinner.

However, the housekeeper also remarked that Yun Xi’s mother didn’t look good when she got home, and Yun Xi reminded herself to be wary.

After Yun Xi had hung up the phone, she took a leisurely stroll home. The scenery was breathtaking, and, at dusk, Jingdu was shrouded in the bright light of sunset and looked as if it had been covered in a layer of gold.

Liang Xinyi getting expelled from Jing High School was the first step in Yun Xi’s grand scheme.

With her grades and the expulsion, she wouldn’t be able to be admitted to a first-class university in Jingdu.

If she couldn’t get into Jing University or get the chance to study abroad, it would be impossible for her to squeeze into upper-class society.

The only way she could possibly get into society was if she was extremely resourceful and became acquainted with society’s heirs and heiresses.

However, she had no status and no distinguished family background, so even if she did manage to squeeze her way in, she still would be looked down upon.

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