Hang up already!

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Hang up already!


Turns out I did miss rugby! And since it was the last day of term, I couldn't get in trouble for not bringing in my kit! Currently, it was our lunch break, and my friends and I were walking to the shop to buy some ice cream. It was too hot for real food. We stopped to eat them at a shaded area, since we Scots don't know how to enjoy the sun. Harry had tried to phone me during class, so I walked away from the group for a little privacy.

"Hi love." He said, answering the phone.

"Are you busy right now?" I asked.

"No, I've got some time!" he replied, cheerily.

"Great! Time to put on a show then! I'm going back over to my friend's now!" I told him.

"Anything for you, babe." He said sweetly.

"Love ya!" I replied.

"Love ya." He mocked, as I reached my friends.

"Would anyone like to speak to Harry?" I asked. Everyone timidly nodded.

"Putting you on speaker, babe!" I spoke into the phone.

"Okay, love." He replied.

"Say 'hi' to Harry, guys!" I told them. He received a chorus of 'hi' and 'hellos.'

"Hi guys!" he replied.

"OMG! IT REALLY IS HARRY STYLES!" Amelia screamed.

"Shush! You'll attract a crowd!" I giggled. "Does anyone have anything in particular to say to Harry?"

"Yeah, how did you meet?" Hayleigh asked.

"We haven't met yet! But we will on Sunday!" Harry replied.

"How can you be dating if you haven't even met?" Jessie queried.

"Well, we'd been talking for a while and I really liked her, so after the '#Jarry' stuff started, I was happy to put a label on it." He replied. I'm glad we got our stories straight before we did this.

"Why?" Jessie asked.

"Because I want to get to know her better and I don't care who knows it." He stated. I blushed.

Right on que, Lilli jeered "Look guys, Jaz's face is going red!" Which, of course, worsened the blushing. Harry laughed.

"Harry, where's the peanut butter?" A voice asked.

"You ate it all, Louis." Harry said.

"Oh." He grumped. "Who are you talking to?"

"Um... Jasmine and her friends." Harry replied nervously.

"Ooooh, Harry loves his Jazzy-Bear! Aww, he's blushing!" Louis teased.

"Shut up." Harry defended. I giggled at them.

"Hi Louis!" I chirped.

"Hey Jaz! Nice to talk to you again!" He lied.

"That's my nickname for her!" Liliana yelled.

"Yeah, well... what're you gonna do about it?!" he yelled back.

"I... shut up!" Liliana shouted defensively.

"Okay, well we need to get back to class!" I said, looking at my watch.

"Okay babe, see you soon!" Harry said cheerily.

"Byeeee!" I chirped.

"Okay, hang up." He laughed.

"No, you hang up!" I joked.

"No, you!" he replied, in a high-pitched voice.

"ARGH. Just hang up already!" Liliana screeched, pressing 'end call.' 


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