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-Neteyams pov-

A few weeks had passed and ao'nung was nowere to be found i was thinking it's bc of me, but that one day he showed up, he was diffrent tho he was way skinnier then bifore and pale as a cloud. I tried to talk to him but he was talking like he was out of enery and what was more weird he was wearing a sweater (it was 38°C outside!) "bro why you wearing a sweater its burning today" i looked at him but he was stareing at the table "i just...want to" he says all lifeless and that was the only time in 3 months i ever saw him in school. i was worried for him but i couldnt go to his house to see him bc his dad would chop me in to peaces..
"hey tsireya when is your dad not home today?" i ask her "2-5pm why?" she looks at me confused "well i've been worried about your brother so wanted to go see him" i answer "why tho?" she is still confused ig her parents didn't tell her about what happend "he was very diffrent when he came to school yesterday has he been eating?" i ask her "idk?... He didn't come out of his room for idk how long and he wouldnt talk to me" i just tank her and leave.
Lucky me i get off school at 1:30 so i can drop my stuff off at my house and leave to go to his right away
-at his house-
I knock on the door and their mom opens up, bifore i could even say anything she dose it for me "ao'nung is upstairs" i nod as  thank you i go upstairs to his door and knock "i'm not hungry" i hear i faint yell "um-its me neteyam"right after i said that i her drawer closeing and tissue paper pulling after 10 seconds he opens the door "what are you doing here.. I mean i'm sorry come in" he says with pain in his voice "i wanted to make sure you are alright" i sit down on his bed "yea i'm fine i just - just needed some time off you know" he walks into his bathroom leaving the door open behind him as he is washing his face i notice a bloody r4z0r next to the sink. I stand up "what is that? " i look at him and he notices the r4z0r next to him he immediately comes out of the bathroom and closes the door "it's nothing" i look in the trash and i see bloody tissues in it "are you?" i look at him with tears in my eyes and he just looks down at the floor "show me" he looks back at me "neteyam..." i come closer to him "show me ao'nung or i will look myself" he takes a step back "JUST SHOW ME GODDAMIT!" i yell and he brakes down and slides againts the wall "i cannot do that neteyam" i look down at him "fine i'll show myself then" i grab his arm slideing his sleves up "don't! " he yells and resists but it was too late i've already seen them "wh-why woul-" i look up at him crying "is it bc of me and my sister?" he looks back at me "no.." i answers faintly "come i need to clean you up" i pull him to twords the bathroom but he faints "FUCK,TSIREYA COME HERE AO'NUNG!" i yell on top of my lungs and she storms in "wha-OH NO MOM!!!oh pls lord" she grabs his hand squeezeing it "what happend? " their mom storms in
" OH DEAR GOD"she grabs her phone and calls the ambulance.

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