Only one lead

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The seconds passed, no more rumble could be heard. In those seconds that felt like years, absolutely nobody moved. Everyone was tense and hoping that nothing else would collapse.
Everyone waited a moment until Hank signaled his people to start the rescue now. Immediately there was movement in this quiet scene and Catherine, together with Kono, came closer to the hole in the ground from which smoke was still rising.
Someone from the rescue team had already been taken down there and everyone standing on the surface was looking down in anticipation. However, they couldn't see much because it was very dark and the smoke didn't improve the view. So they could only wait for everyone to get to the top safely.

Two more minutes passed and there was silence.
Catherine was about to go down there too and do anything to save Steve and Danny.

But shortly afterwards they finally heard a shout. It was the person from the rescue team and his colleagues reacted immediately and pulled the rope with the rescue harness upwards. Shortly thereafter, Danny was on the surface and was freed from the harnesses. Everyone was happy to know he was safe again. Although Catherine was still very tense and after giving Danny a quick hug, she immediately turned her attention back to the rope, which had already come down again.

For the next two minutes she almost held her breath, looking down nervously and feeling like her heartbeat was louder than anything else right now.
Suddenly she saw what she had wanted to see all along.
Steve was finally back on the surface. He was freed from the harness and immediately pulled Catherine into his arms.
Both were very relieved and happy that they could finally hug each other again. It was just a strong feeling of relief, so that both of them stayed there for at least a minute and just held each other in their arms.
They then broke their hug, staring at each other for a moment before kissing.
When they broke apart and looked into each other's eyes, the tension finally left them and they were happy that they could even see each other again.
Steve now put his arm around Catherine's shoulders, which gave him some support. Then they made their way together towards the ambulance.
"I'm so glad you're back with us."

"Me too Cath."
Both knew that they would talk to each other again later, but now Steve had to be examined and treated first. But before Steve got into the ambulance, he asked Catherine one important question.
"How is Danny?"

"I don't know exactly. He was taken to the hospital right after he got here. But since the two of us will definitely be going there in a moment, I'll ask around while you get yourself treated."

"Okay, I got it."

About 30 minutes later Catherine was sitting in the hospital waiting for any news from Steve or Danny. The rest of the team meanwhile continued to work on the murder of Samuel Carpenter and the lab was trying to do something with the suspected part of the bomb's detonator that Steve had found.

Luckily, Catherine only had to wait about an hour in total before doctor Kahale came to her.
"Hello Catherine. I'm relieved to be able to bring you some good news today. Steve is fine so far. He has only a few bruises, a head laceration and two bruised ribs. Detective Williams is doing better now too. We took good care of his wound and it will heal relatively quickly. Otherwise, of course, both of them inhaled very bad air with many harmful fine dust particles for a long time, which was very bad for their lungs. But we can still do that well. You are welcome to visit them now."

"That would be great, thank you."

Doctor Kahale brought Catherine to Steve's room and Danny's was right next to it. After that he left Catherine alone.
When Catherine entered Steve's room, she had a smile on her face. Just because 2 hours ago she thought she would never see Steve again and now standing here in front of him, he was alive and would get better.
Catherine sat in the chair next to Steve's bed and was able to really relax for pretty much the first time that day. And hopefully they could spend Christmas at home and not in the hospital.

So while Catherine was waiting in the hospital, Chin and Kono spoke again to Laura Carpenter, the murder victim's wife.
"Listen Laura, you really have to tell us the truth now. Surely you want your husband's killer found. So now tell us who all was in contact with your husband in the drug business."

"Okay, but I only know one man who has often spoken to Samuel on the phone, they only met once as far as I know. His name, if I remember correctly, is Liam Hayden."

"Well then, it's not that difficult to tell us the truth. Goodbye."

Next, Chin checked on Liam Hayden while Kono was on the phone with Fong.

After their phone call, Kono walked over to Chin and Lou who were still standing at the computer desk in the middle of the hall.

"Guys, unfortunately I have bad news. Examining the part of the bomb that Steve found leads to nothing. It was an absolute dead end." Chin glanced at the display and then looked at Kono.
"Glad we were luckier. Liam Hayden worked as a janitor and we have his address."

So the three drove to Hayden and knocked on his front door.
"Liam Hayden! Five 0!"

No one opened the door, so they simply gave themselves access and quickly secure the rooms of the house.
There was nobody here. But when the team looked around, they found his laptop. Of course, it was password protected, so they took it away and contacted Toast, hoping they could get to the laptop anyway.

Toast took care of the laptop right away and took about half an hour to crack the password and even restored the browsing history since it had been deleted.
What the team found there at least took them a step further. Because apparently Hayden had often visited a site where you could negotiate drug deals with a certain cartel. That gave Kono an idea.
"We just make a deal ourselves, that definitely leads us to a dealer and he can then give us information on the cartel he works for. And who knows, maybe Samuel Carpenter was also part of this specific cartel. That would bring us a whole lot closer to his killer."

Chin and Lou had nothing to say against it, after all everyone knew that this was their only lead at the moment. So it didn't take long and they made a deal anonymously, type of drug, place and time. Now they had four hours until they would meet the dealer.

In the hospital:

Steve finally woke up. He still felt exhausted and tired, but he felt a lot better than he did a few hours ago.
When Catherine saw that Steve was awake, she immediately got up and hugged Steve as if she was afraid of losing him.

"I'm really... really glad you're back. I really don't know what I would have done without you."
Steve rubbed Catherine's back soothingly until they broke their hug. Catherine was now sitting on the edge of Steve's bed and looked deep into his eyes.
"You know, I was really scared for you."

"I know and I'm very sorry, Cath. But other than not being able to get Danny out of there alive, my biggest fear was never seeing you again. And then when I heard your voice, I felt better, but at the same time I thought that if I didn't survive, you would hear it right away. That would have been the worst for me. And when I said goodbye to you... that was probably one of the worst things I've ever had to do."

"It was just as horrible for me, I really thought... well this goodbye is forever... even though I didn't want to admit it..."
Catherine cried again as she thought back to her conversation with Steve.
Immediately Steve pulled Catherine back into his arms and just held her, showing her that it was all over now and that he was there for her...

Secret Place on Oahu:

Unfortunately both survived. In fact, he was only after one of them anyway. He should still suffer for what he had done to him and as badly as he had to suffer himself.
The good thing was that he could still act in peace, because Andrew would never betray him and so he could come up with a new plan...

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