Finale (2)

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It all happened so fast that at first Steve didn't even know what had happened. But when he looked ahead, he saw Wo Fat and Victor lying motionless on the ground. At that moment he also recognized Kono and Lou, who were standing a few meters further back and coming toward them. Steve was immediately aware that the two had shot at Wo Fat and Victor.

But he was sure he heard three shots. Then Steve turned around and saw that Doris was also lying on the ground. Instinctively he ran to her and pressed his hands to the gunshot wound in her abdomen.

"Bandages, now!" Steve called out and Danny luckily had some in his backpack and held it out to Steve. He used it immediately and spoke to Doris. "It's okay, Mom, it's okay. Don't try to talk, it'll be fine. I'm with you. Just breath."

"I...I love you so much Steve. I'm so sorry for what I...have done to you...I love you so much...", the last words were so quiet that only Steve could hear them.

"I love you too, Mom."

Then Doris closed her eyes and breathed out one last time. Suddenly the moment didn't feel real to Steve anymore. It had all happened so fast and now he was staring at his mother and couldn't believe she was dead. Steve didn't move a bit and his hand was still on Doris's. Much more was happening around him. Kono and Lou were with the others too and Catherine was trying to talk to Steve somehow. But he didn't react. He was in shock and couldn't realize that his mother was actually dead.

After a few more minutes Catherine and Danny managed to get Steve away from Doris. They moved a few meters away and Catherine hugged Steve without a word, stroking his back soothingly. But even then Steve didn't move at all. In his head everything was still swept empty. When Catherine broke the hug, Steve didn't even really look at her, but just continued on the meadow towards the sunrise. After walking away a little, he just sat on the ground and watched the sun rising, its rays displacing the darkness. Right now he had no idea how he felt. On the one hand still shocked by the sudden event, on the other hand sad, but also somehow hopeless, at the same time angry. All these feelings were swirling around inside Steve and he had no idea how to organize them. All he knew right now was that his throat was tight and he couldn't even cry. It was a really depressing and also frightening feeling. He had just lost the person who had always calmed him down when he was young and scared, the person who had put him to bed, who had taken care of him, who had always been there for him to talk to, the person who had loved him since his first day on this world. All these memories came up and played out slowly. He could picture Doris teaching him to ride a bike or reading him a story in the evening...

Three weeks later:

Steve and Catherine sat in their garden and looked out to sea, lost in their thoughts. Of course, Steve was still thinking about his mother's death. The last few weeks had been very difficult for him and it was only for a few days that he was able to sleep for a few hours at a time without constantly waking up, partly also through nightmares. The fact that Steve got better had a lot to do with Catherine. She had been there for him the whole time and had supported and comforted him when grief had overtaken him. However, with the death of Doris, Steve and Catherine had still not been able to fully speak out about the events leading up to their mission in Morocco.

But Steve wanted to change that today. So he surprised Catherine with a boat trip. Steve drove her to a small island where his father had often taken him. During the trip, both of them were finally able to relax again after such a long time and express themselves fully, which was very good for them.

Four months later:

After a long time, everything was finally back to normal. The team went back to solving the more common cases and no longer had problems with people wanting revenge or just trying to kill someone on the team. The mood between Steve and Catherine was the same as it was before Catherine's near-death experience and Steve had come to terms with the death of his mother relatively well, even if this scar would remain forever.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and Steve and Catherine had just finished breakfast when Catherine took out her cell phone and held it out to Steve to show him a photo. Steve was shocked at first and you couldn't read any real emotion from his face, so Catherine became unsure.

"Steve, you're happy, aren't you?"

"Yes...yes, of course I'm happy. It's going to be wonderful." Steve got up and walked towards Catherine. He then gave her a loving kiss and pulled her into a hug, whispering something in her ear. "I'm sure you'll be a great mom, Cath. I love you."

"I love you too, sailor."

Hawaii Five-0: Adventures (Secrets Part 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz