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"Let's go, B! It's almost 10.", Luna said and grabbed the car keys.

"Coming!", I said as I was putting my jacket on.

  She was giving me a ride to the hospital. Also, she wanted to be my support there.

"Luna, Damiano is calling me!", I said when my phone screen lightened up and his name popped up. We were already sitting in the waiting room.

"Pick up!", she said and I put my earphones in.

"Hey, David!", I said as his face showed up on my phone.

"Hey, cara!", he smiled.

"What's up? You look like a mess.", I noticed.

"We just finished our show and I'm dead. It was amazing, B! I wish you were there!", he said throwing himself on the bed.

"I'm glad, baby!", I said quietly since we were in public.

"Miss Bianca Vasilevski, the doctor will see you now.", the nurse called me.

"Bianca, are you okay? Why are you at the doctor's?", Damiano asked worried.

"I-I'll tell you everything as soon as I finish with this appointment!", I said and hung up.

  I took a deep breath and entered the room greeting my doctor.

"Good morning, Miss Vasilevski!", she addressed me.

"Good morning!"

"Please have a seat! What brings you here today?", she said and gestured towards the chair opposite of her.

"Thank you. Well, I-I think I'm pregnant.", I stuttered.

"Alright. Did you do the test?", she said calmly.

"Yes. It came back positive."

"Did you plan the pregnancy?"

"No. Not at all.", I admitted.

"I understand. I know how surprised you must be right now but these kinds of things happen more often than you think. We shall do a blood test to confirm the pregnancy and if the results match, I will direct you to your gynecologist.", she said caressing my hand to comfort me.

"Okay.", I said still scared.

  So she called the nurse in and she took my blood saying that they will call me to come for the results.

"How was it?", Luna asked as soon as I exited the doctor's office.

"Okay. They took my blood to make sure I am pregnant.", I said.

"That is good. B, Damiano messaged me while you were in there. He's very worried since you left the video call in such a rushed way.", she said.

"God, I gotta call him!", I sighed.

  Luna drove me home and left for work. I was alone in our little apartment when I finally decided to tell Damiano that I was pregnant.

"B, thank God! I was worried!", he said as soon as he could see me on his screen.

"I'm okay, David. Sorry for hanging up like that.", I said.

"Why were you at the doctor's?", he asked.

"I-I need to tell you something, Damiano. I didn't have the courage to do it. I found out this Monday. Damiano I...", I started.

"B, whatever it is you can tell me.", he reassured me.

"I'm pregnant, Damiano!", I said and let out a deep exhale.

"You- I- what?", he was shocked.

"I did the test, Damiano. It came back positive."

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