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  "He did what?!", Luna gasped when I told her about my little weekend sleepover.

"Yeah, idiot! Luna, I think he's just playing with me. He enjoys torturing me. You don't understand how frustrating that is!", I complained.

"But it excites you?", she asked.

"Okay, yes! But, it's so hard and I cannot focus on anything when he is around because I feel like he's always onto something!", I cried out.

"Girl, you have one of the most desirable men alive flirting with you and teasing you and you complain about it?!", she giggled.

"Easy for you to say. It's not all fun and games you know. Besides, he has this situationship with another girl".

"Oh, but as you say, it is a game! He's playing, so why don't you show him that 2 can play it?"

"Maybe you're right. I can show him that I'm not as weak as he thinks. The game is on!", I exclaimed solemnly putting my forefinger up in the air.

"Oooh, can't wait to witness it!", she shouted and we both laughed.

  Our fun time was interrupted by Luna's phone. She picked it up and started talking.

"Hello! Yes, it's me. Yes, mhm, that is correct".

"Oh, really? That would be delightful, yes! Tomorrow sounds perfect! Of course, thank you! Have a nice day!", she said and hang up.

"Who was it, you seem happy?", I asked.

"OMG! It was the manager of that publishing house where I applied for the job right after we graduated! They want to see me tomorrow! I think they're gonna hire me to correct the books written in English by Italians! Can you believe it?!", she screamed.

"Luna, that's great news. We gotta celebrate!", I took a bottle of white wine from the fridge and 2 glasses. Then, I poured the wine and we made a toast.

"To our dream jobs!", Luna said.

"Right! Cheers!", I agreed and we drank the wine.

  I had to go meet the band right after so I poured the wine at once and got going hugging Luna. When I arrived at my office the others were already there, to my surprise.

"Who would've thought? Damiano is not late for once! Weird.", I mocked him and he just rolled his eyes.

"What's up, guys? How are you today?", I additionally greeted them all.

"Hey Bianca!", Ethan said.

"Ciao Bella!", Victoria answered.

"Hey!", Thomas added.

"Why are you so down?", I noticed.

"Eh, just some stupid rumors on the internet about us doing drugs.", Victoria explained.

"Isn't that happening always with you guys? Why bother?", I commented.

"It is, but we are still getting affected by it somehow. It's not easy when you are accused of something you didn't do and it all started when the Eurovision scandal happened.", Ethan explained.

"Oh, yes! I remember that. Sorry to hear that but it is kind of expected with you guys. You are different. And you know how rock and roll is oftentimes connected with drugs and alcohol".

"And sex.", Damiano added with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.

"But you gotta deal with it. It's something people will always assign to you. And honestly, since you're weirdly free around each other and since you seem to casually walk naked around each other you...", I started.

"We what?", Damiano said getting up from his chair and coming closer to my desk.

"Honestly, you look like you do orgies together.", I said seriously.

  Victoria and Thomas burst into laughter behind Damiano's back.
He looked at me for a moment, then he said, "Who says we don't?".

"Trust me, I don't care. You do you.", I said, and meant it.

"Or I could do you.", Damiano mumbled under his breath leaning over the table to be closer to me.
  I almost gasped but tried to play it cool hoping no one else heard this. And luckily, Ethan, Thomas, and Victoria looked like they didn't.
  Then, Damiano returned to his seat chuckling. I rolled my eyes not letting his words get to me and started explaining to them the corrections I made in their lyrics as always. After we were done, I gave them the papers and Ethan put them in his backpack claiming that they were the safest with him.

"Hello everyone!", Francesca hastily barged in.

"Hey!", we all said.

"I have some great news for you! You're nominated for 5 AMAs.", she said.

"Omg, that's amazing!", I shouted excitedly.

"That's so cool!", Vic commented.

"Oh, my God!", I exclaimed excitedly. This wasn't new to them though.

"Did you speak with Bianca about your California plans?", Francesca asked.

I had no idea what she was talking about.

"We were about to but you broke in like a burglar!", Vic replied.

"What California plans?", I wondered.

"Well, we were thinking of going to California for a few months to record a new album...", she started.

"Oh, okay. What does it have to do with me?", I asked innocently.

"You are needed there as well.", Damiano answered rolling his eyes like I was supposed to know that.
  I was in shock.

Hey Reader,

Here's the new chapter, have a nice weekend!

A Kid From Neverland.

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