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season 1 episode 1

THE MOMENT THAT Estella had heard what had happened on the recent call with Captain Pruitt Herrera, she had dropped everything that she was doing and rushed to the hospital that night

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THE MOMENT THAT Estella had heard what had happened on the recent call with Captain Pruitt Herrera, she had dropped everything that she was doing and rushed to the hospital that night. Since Andy had already left, annoyed and upset with Jack since he had left her Dad, she had spoken to her father for the time being before speaking with Meredith Grey as they let Estella speak to their Captain.

She entered the room hesitantly, closing the door behind her softly as she sat down on the chair beside the man. With wires surrounding his pale body, she tapped her foot against the ground as she stared at him.

Pruitt had heard her come into the room, every single of the fire fighters had come too see him, but she had been the last. "You always do that when you're nervous."

"Huh?" Estella asked, lifting her head up off the ground.

Pruitt chuckled for a moment. "Tapping your foot against the ground, the first day I met you, you did that so much it became a pet peeve of mine."

She smiled, thinking back to the first time she had ever met him when Travis brought her into the station practically begging Pruitt to let her join the team as he eventually gave in.


"Sir, this is my cousin, Estella Sinclair." Travis introduced his cousin who waved at Pruitt who was sitting in his chair in his office.

Pruitt observed her, she had looked better than he had first expected considering what he had heard from his daughter and the other member's of the team. Estella was living with Travis in his home, along with her cousin buying her new clothes and even going to the extent of trying to get her a job again.

"Have a seat, Ms. Sinclair." Pruitt said, gesturing to the seats in front of his desk as they both sat down. "I've been hearing some things about you, mostly from Montgomery and Ryan Tanner."

She nodded in understanding, knowing that he had obviously heard about her past. "I guess that means you've heard nothing good then."

"Straight to the point." Pruitt nodded, a straight smile on his face. "So I hope you understand that I'm hesitant in letting you join my team. This team runs on trust, and yet you seem to trust nobody. You steal, you argue back, you seem to hate following the rules. So why should I trust you with my team? How do I know that you aren't going to run away when things get tough for you?"

"You don't." Estella responded. "There's no denying that my life hasn't been full of sunshine or rainbows, but I'm willing to learn how to trust. I want to be a fire fighter, it's something I've aways wanted to do. And I hope that you will let me do that."

He went silent for a moment, tapping his finger against his chin as Travis and Estella glanced at one another for a moment as Pruitt cleared his throat again. "Okay."

"Okay?" Travis repeated, a hopeful look plastered on his face. "As in you're going to let her join the team."

"Not join right now, but train with us until her exam." Pruitt corrected him. "But let me be clear, if you step one foot out of line, you're done."

"Thank you, sir. You won't regret it." Estella thanked him, shaking his hand as Pruitt sat back down.

"I hope that is the case." Pruitt nodded sternly, "A word of advice, stop tapping your foot. It shoes how nervous you are."


She focused back in on the conversation Pruitt was having with her as she placed the heel of her foot onto the ground. Now it was different, she had met Pruitt Herrera four months ago, and he had trusted her enough with his team, with his daughter. And she was so thankful that he was willing to giver her the chance to prove who she really was.

"I don't know how I'm going to ever repay you for doing this for me, Captain." Estella confided in him, holding his hand as he gripped onto her's. "I'm sorry you got cancer."

Pruitt chuckled, shaking his head too himself. "You don't have to apologize for my cancer. Plus, if you think I'm going to let this cancer take over my life then you're wrong."

Estella nodded in understanding, knowing exactly where he was coming from. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just don't really know what to say to you right now."

"Well then let's not talk about me, let's talk about you." Pruitt told her, changing his mind as he had already spoken about himself enough with every other member of his team. "Have you been practicing for your exam?"

"Yes." Estella answered, nodding her head.

Pruitt stared at her for another moment until he finally nodded slowly at her. "Good. I hope that you become a fire fighter but I have some news to tell you."

"What is it?" She asked, feeling intrigued with the sudden conversation.

Pruitt sat up on the bed getting himself more comfortable as he then announced. "I have signed you up for the exam that is coming up. You have until the following week until you sit the exam, Estella."

"A week? Did you just say a week?" Estella repeated, panic seeping into her as she stood up from her chair and began pacing around the room. "A week. Oh, my God. I can't do this. Captain, why would you do that?"

"Estella." Pruitt called out to her in his deep accent. "Take a breath. This isn't going to be a difficult as you're making it out to be. You have been practicing with everyone, even acting as a fire fighter for Station 19, all you need is the exam considering you have already passed the physical exam."

Estella paused, running her hand through her brunette hair as she took a deep breath, feeling the stress leaving her body. "Okay, I got this. I can totally do this. I think it's time for me to go now, Sir, you know, to practice or whatever."

"Montgomery will be missing you anyways," Pruitt laughed at her. "I'll see you tomorrow, Sinclair."

"See you tomorrow, Cap."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2023 ⏰

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