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season 1, four months later.

CHAPTER FIVEseason 1, four months later

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"GET UP." TRAVIS SAID,standing beside a sleeping Estella as she groaned, rolling over onto the other side of the bed as she tried to fall back asleep, he sighed, sitting onto the side of her bed as he laid down, his back resting against the wall. "We can sit here all day if you want."

Estella groaned, continuing to fall back asleep until she felt the presence of Travis still laying beside her as she turned back around, her tired eyes opening as she glared at her cousin. "I hate you right now."

"Love you too, Stella." Travis grinned, he was already dressed for work and Estella was going to be joining him on the job thanks to Pruitt Herrera as they had managed to convince the Captain that Estella was serious about her future, along with promising no more violence. "Come on, let's get to work."

Sitting up, she wiped her hand over her tired eyes as she got out of bed, getting changed as Travis closed his eyes until she was finished getting dressed. Tying her hair into a pony-tail she finished brushing her teeth before she sat back on her bed, tying her shoe laces.

"How long do I have to do this for?" Estella asked him, "I mean tagging along like you lot are babysitting me, it's getting annoying."

"You're only saying that because all you do is bicker with Jack anyways." Travis tilted his head, grabbing his belongings as they walked out the front door, into his car as they drove to the station together.

* * *

Later on that night, nearing the end of their shift, they were all sitting around the kitchen table eating the pasta that Miller had cooked for them all. Sitting in the middle of Travis and Jack, Estella reached over, grabbing the bowl of salad at the same time that Jack reached too.

He allowed her to take bowl as she handed it back over to him, as the others talked about something random as Jack leaned over, asking her. "How was today?"

Estella glanced back at him, shrugging her shoulder's considering she had done much other than work out and train all day since she was planning on doing her practical examination soon to be an actual fire fighter. "I just worked out all day, not much else happened."

"Seems pretty boring, I have had an excellent day though, thank you so much for asking." Jack resorted, smirking at her.

She rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask because I really don't care that much."

"You break my heart, Els." Jack complained, holding his hand against his heart as he rested his head against her shoulder for a moment.

Pushing him away from her with a laugh she looked up seeing that Ben was staring at her already, a smile on his face as she smiled back. Ben had just recently joined the team after being a surgeon at Grey Sloan Memorial, he was fitting in well, with the other's occasionally winding him up but Estella liked him, there was something about him that she liked that couldn't quite place her finger on yet.

He pointed between them both, gaining everyone's attention as he asked. "A-Are you two dating?"

Jack and Estella laughed loudly, the corner's of their eyes wrinkling as everyone else in the room watched them with confusion. Ben began to chuckle nervously as Travis finally responded. "Those two? Oh, definitely not."

"Oh, sorry. I just assumed, you know? The two of you seem really close, that's all." Ben apologized, holding up his hands.

"Don't worry about it, Warren." Estella told him, shaking her head slightly.

"Yeah, we're just friends." Jack nodded in agreement.

Estella shook her head in disagreement. "Friend's is pushing it just a little bit. This guy is totally obsessed with me."

"Am not." He pulled a face at her as he refused to make eye contact with her.

Ben seemed to understand the awkward tension he had created as he apologized again, silently eating his meal as the others continued talking. And by the time they were done everyone helped to clean up as Ben pulled her to one side whilst the others continued doing whatever it was they were doing.

"Hey, I just wanted to apologize again for earlier, I didn't mean to embarrass you or Jack." He yet again apologized, gesturing his words with his hands.

Estella stared at him blankly for a moment, before she burst out laughing at him. "You worry too much, I didn't take offense to your comment. Quit worrying about it."

Ben eventually nodded, leaning against the side of the kitchen as Estella dried the plates. "You and Travis seem to be close, you two related or something?"

She nodded, a smile gracing her face. "He's my cousin, on his dad's side. He's the reason why I'm training to be a fire fighter. Soon I'm going to be sitting the exam and finding out if I'm actually going to be one of you guys so I'm a little nervous."

"Completely understandable, I mean, I switched from surgery to fire fighting and honestly, my wife looked as though she was going to kill me but in the end, she accepted it and has supported me ever since." Ben confided in her, lightly shaking his head with a laugh.

Estella laughed with him, knowing that his wife worked at Grey Sloan Memorial, "Your wife is an amazing woman, terrifying but amazing."

"Well they didn't call her the Nazi for nothing." Ben remarked, recalling the stories he had heard from Miranda during the time when Meredith Grey was a intern.

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