"And then I spilt my triple mocha latte on the cute barista."

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12. Let's break some sentences.
I. And then I spilt my triple mocha latte on the cute barista.
What is wrong with this sentence?
1. It started with the word "And". DON'T DO THAT!
2. Spilt. Spilt. SPILT! Who are you, Shakespeare? Sorry, but that word expired long before the date on that can of French cut green beans in your pantry.
3. Spilling coffee on someone and then dating them is way too stereotypical on Wattpad. At least try to be original, please.

II. If your story starts with a sentence(s) like this, you need to stop writing, go back to 4th grade English, and reassess your values.
"Hi my name is Victoria Tunstein and im 14 years old im very insecure, I hate my life my parents fight all the time. And there's this really cute guy at school who I like but he'll never like me cause im not pretty or popular like Sabrina Crowe. I get lots of compliments but everyone is wrong I'm not pretty at all. I dont care what I wear but I always look amazing. Im really insecure about my appearance."

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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