You Know What's Annoying? Political Correctness.

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Politically correct. That phrase has made us all easily offended idiots.
7. Skin color/race
Please remember this is just my opinion.
Yes, racism is a terrible and being racist makes you a shallow idiot. The fact that we equate saying that somebody has black skin or has the stereotypical facial features of someone from the continent Asia with racism is wrong. If somebody told me that I'm white, I would be neither offended nor feel like I'd been complimented. It's just my skin, and I can't change it, and the fact that you commented on it isn't going to make me hate you. Same goes for if somebody walked up to me and said, "Oh, you're Susan's American friend." Why yes I am.
This leaves the question: What is Racism? Racism is when you are biased against a certain race based on their physical appearance. If I hated all black people, I'd be a racist. I'm not saying racism doesn't exist, I'm saying that we've forgotten what it means. I don't believe that any one race is better or worse than another.
8. The Curvy Movement
I actually love the idea. I am not particularly slim nor particularly curvy, just sort of in between. The fact that we are okay with women not being completely fat free is great! The problem comes when we start telling women and girls that being unhealthily overweight is okay. It's not! It's unhealthy and bad for your body. We shouldn't shame them, but we shouldn't be saying it's wonderful that they are beyond a healthy weight. I think instead of saying that everyone is either skin or curvy, we should focus on being healthy, and helping each other to live long, happy, healthy lives.

9. "Everyone is Beautiful"
No. Everyone has the capacity to be beautiful, but not everyone has the ability to have an aesthetically appealing face or body. There will always be those whom society defines as less than ideal in the physical department. It would be wonderful if humans weren't so shallow, but we are, and lying about it is doesn't make it any better.
The problem is that not everyone can be a perfect model of human physical beauty. So let's look at what beauty truly is. I, personally, would rather hang out with someone ugly and nice, than someone who is gorgeous and a jerk. Personality is the key. You can have a pretty face, but still be an ugly person. In the grand scheme of things, would you rather be remembered as the person everyone loved and valued, or the person that was just pretty? Looks don't last until you die, but a beautiful heart does. Stop focusing on your looks, and start focusing on your soul.

10. On the subject of the LGBT community
Let's just start with the definition of homophobia. says:
Homophobia- unreasoning fear of or antipathy (basically hatred) towards homosexuals and homosexuality.
There is a difference between being homophobic and simply believing it is wrong. I am a Christian, and I believe that homosexuality is wrong. I don't hate those who practice it, and I'm certainly not scared of them. I just believe that they are sinning. Generally unintentionally. I'm also not opposed to friendship with somebody who practices that, we are all sinners after all. I just believe it to be wrong.
I am not equating homosexuality with murder, rape, or anything like that. You can only hurt yourself, and I'm grateful that you are not hurting anyone else.

11. On abortion
As you might have guessed, I am a fervent pro-lifer. I believe that abortions of any kind are wrong.
On normal (you fully consented to performing the actions that caused the pregnancy) pregnancies:
I completely understand why you might want to get rid of the baby before it's born. There are many reasons to desire this. Convenience, what parents might say, unplanned, mental illness, physical impairments, et cetera.
Why shouldn't you terminate the pregnancy?
Because a life is a life, no matter where it is. Would you kill a 3 year old with, say, Down Syndrome, so they don't have to be dependent adults? If you said no, then you should realize that it's wrong in the womb, too. This applies to any case. Is it okay and morally fine to kill a child because you have plans that don't involve them or they are inconvenient? Same goes for a baby in the womb.

On rape pregnancy:
If this has happened to you, I am so so so so sorry. I can see, and very clearly, why you might want an abortion. What will you do when baby asks about dad? What will happen to you? In this circumstance, I know I would be very tempted to have an abortion. But the right thing would be to birth the baby, but after that, I'm not sure. I might give the child up for adoption, or I might raise the child as a single mother, while trying for my dreams. Probably raise the child. If you raise a child properly and do the right thing, you will always have a #1 fan. Looking at other people's stories, you can see these people talking about their mothers who never gave up, who were always strong, and always amazing. The fact that anyone could carry on after trauma like that is wonderful. If you do the right thing, you're more than just a person, you're a super hero.

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