Right Now, I'm Annoyed at Wattpad

17 1 0

Why? I'll tell you!
1. Every time I search in a genre, Fanfiction comes up!
I'm just looking for a good Action story, not a One Direction/Harry Potter/Twilight/Hunger Games spin off! No offense to any readers/writers of said fan fictions. PLEASE, for the sake of humanity, label your fan fiction as fan fiction!

2. The "Undiscovered" sections.
Good intentions? Check. Good idea? Check. Good execution? No check. When I look at those "undiscovered" books, I look at the reads. I'm sure something that has 56k reads is real undiscovered. Personally, I believe that anything over 5k reads qualifies as discovered.

3. Lack of sub-categories.
With the amount of "bad boy" romances you can find, I'm sure Wattpad should add a subcategory.

4. All the titles are the same.
It's true that it is hard to come up with a title that is completely original. So please just try for somewhat original? Please?
Examples of this crime:
"The Bad Boy's Good Girl"
"The Good Girl's Bad Boy"
"Dating the Bad Boy"
"I'm Dating the Bad Boy?"

5. Stupid Titles.
If you cannot title a book, get some help! Titles such as:
"I Married My Dream Guy" that's awesome. But I fail to see the plot here?
"In Love With My Enemy" Great. But you do realize you just told me exactly what happens, right?
"I married who!?" Tsk, tsk. Capitalization, please. Also there's something that bothers me here. The "!?". '!' Indicates surprise. '?' Indicates a question or confusion. I may be wrong, but it seems to me that when you ask a question like "I married who" you're actually saying, "Who did I marry?" Now, because you are asking a question, it would be logical to assume that the '?' Comes first, and the '!' comes second. You're asking a question. In this case, the exclamation point indicates incredulity, disbelief, et cetera.

6. I want ratings!
Let the authors and readers rate the book on a scale of G-X. Then, have the option to rate it in a more detailed way. For example:
A. Appropriate ages
B. Level of violence 0-10, 0 being none and 10 being detailed violence and gore.
C. Language. None to Heavily explicit
D. Explicit content. 0-10
E. Warnings about offensive or sensitive topics such as self harm and racism.
F. The 5 star rating, averaged out for the author and reader.
G. A mood. Like happy, sad, depressing, romantic, sweet, funny, dark, light, mysterious, suspenseful.

Please remember that this is the biased ranting of an annoyed person. Nobody's perfect, and I have my flaws as well as everyone else.

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