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No one ever tells you that when you have cancer how horrible you will feel

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No one ever tells you that when you have cancer how horrible you will feel. Especially brain cancer. I have had stage 2 brain cancer for fifteen years. About 5 years ago I went to an FBI conference in Tuscaloosa. Why? Don't ask me. My mom said I could learn a few things which I don't know why seeing how I'm not an FBI agent. But I'm glad I went. When I was there I met Aaron. 1 year after we started dating I finally told him I had brain cancer. He vowed to stick by my side no matter what. He could've left I told him I would hold it against him. When I went into remission for two years he had a chance to leave but he didn't. We spent half that time traveling wherever I wanted to go and had sex everywhere at any time of any day. We went to Rome, Paris, Barcelona, Istanbul, Blue Lagoon, Maldives, and many more. We fucked everywhere. In the hotel rooms, we were in. The cabins we stayed at. Sometimes we just spent a whole week in bed. Legs tangled together holding hands and basking in each other's comfort. Laughing at stupid jokes or watching comedy movies. Then fucking while the movie is going. I miss that but cancer had other ideas. I got pneumonia and that set something off in my immune system and my cancer came back. We were currently in bed sleeping soundly. My hand rested on his chest as I was watching him sleep. His chest rises and falls slowly. He was so fucking cute. Tiny snores came out of him. His hand is behind his head. It was getting time to wake up which I noticed once I saw his morning wood. Usually, I would help him out with that but I had too big of a headache and I knew he would stop me. I had a major headache one of the side effects of cancer and couldn't sleep. I got a wave of nausea across me and jolted out of bed running to the bathroom locking the door and pushing my face into the toilet.

"Ally. Are you ok?" I heard Aaron's groggy voice say
"Yea, I'm-." I got cut off throwing up again
"Baby let me in." He said
Gathering enough strength I unlocked the door before going back to the toilet.
"Oh, honey." He said
Kneeling next to me he grabbed my hair and rubbed my back
"Shh let it out." He whispered
Coughing harshly I lifted my head back up. Looking in the toilet I saw blood. Sighing heavily Aaron lay against the tub pulling me towards him and resting my head on his chest.
"Honey." He said
"I know," I said
Taking a deep breath I stood up. I grabbed a duffel bag as Aaron packed my blankets and pillows I packed some comfy clothes and slippers and grabbed my meds and toiletries.
"You ready?" He asked
"No. I'm so tired of this. I can't do this anymore. I miss wanting to drink alcohol without thinking I'll be throwing up blood. I miss walking around shopping malls without feeling like I might faint. I miss sex. I miss you fucking me so hard I felt you inside me till the next day. I miss orgasms." I yelled tears brimming in my eyes
"Baby. I still can fuck you just slower. You still get to have sex with me. I know you are tired of this. Come here. I'm not going anywhere. They have your hospital room ready they always do. They always make you comfortable. We have to go." He said hugging me
"I know," I said
Grabbing the bag we locked the house up and headed to the hospital. The hospital was about 10 minutes away and we had been driving for five.
"I know you aren't feeling well so how about I make it better." He said
"What's that?" I asked
He slipped his hands in my pants pulling my underwear to the side.
"If you can come before we get to the hospital I'll fuck you later. Just how you like it hard and rough." He whispered in my ear
"Aaron don't tease me. We haven't had sex in a while. Don't say that and then leave me with an impending orgasm." I whined
"If you can come in 5 minutes or less. If you don't cum that's on you." He smirked
The light was still red so Aaron unbuttoned my pants and zipped them down.
"Lift your hips." He ordered
Lifting my hips he slipped off my pants so they were around my knees. He did the same with my underwear rubbing my clit slowly I threw my head back letting out a soft sigh. His fingers trailed down and sank into me filling me up slowly. I clenched around him immediately as his fingers moved at a steady pace.
"Please go faster," I begged
Turning the corner his fingers moved faster soft moans leaving my lips.
"Oh, Aaron." I whined
"2 minutes until we are there." He warned
His thumb went to my clit rubbing harshly. My legs started to shake vigorously.
"Oh fuck Aaron I'm gonna cum." I moaned out
"You don't need my permission darling. The hospital is around the corner. You have 1 minute." He said
I didn't even need a minute I was so close. Latching my hand onto his bicep I squeezed it as my climax shattered me. Moving through my body slowly Aaron slowed his pace down before removing his fingers and sucking on them.
"Good girl." He said
Sighing heavily I pulled my pants back up and buttoned them. Parking at the entrance he grabbed the stuff as we got out of the car and headed to the 12th floor. Halfway into the hospital, I started getting dizzy. Grabbing Aaron's bicep he stopped and looked at me.
"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked
"Dizzy," I answered my mouth feeling dry
Then all of a sudden my chest started tightening and my hand was losing its grip on Aaron's arm.
"Ok give me your hand honey." He said
I reached for my hand and he grabbed it walking slowly as we approached the elevator. Pressing 12 Aaron stayed behind me in case I passed out.
"We're almost there honey. Just keep those pretty blue eyes open for me ok?" He reassured
"Yea." I breathlessly said
Reaching the 12th floor we stepped out and walked slowly over to the receptionist desk and saw Bailey. She immediately spotted us and walked over.
"Ally Kingston. What are you doing here?" Bailey asked
"It's bad Miranda. She was nauseous this morning with blood. Trouble breathing and dizziness. She will fall if I let go of her." Aaron answered
"Ok let's get you in your room and run some tests," She said
Walking back to the elevator we pressed number 6 and went down. Bailey is in front of me checking my pulse.
"Heart rate is fast and bp is low." She said
Reaching level six we walked down a hallway before making it to my room. Opening the door it looked just how it was when we left.
"I'm gonna go get Meredith, Derek, and Maggie. Get comfy. Your likely gonna be here a while hun." She said
Setting down the bags Aaron helped me get undressed and put me in some comfy clothes before laying me down. As he put my things away a nurse came in and hooked me into a IV.

A/N- imagine the bed being a king size to fit both Aaron and Ally

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A/N- imagine the bed being a king size to fit both Aaron and Ally.

Aaron set the bags on the rack before filling the cabinets and mini fridge with our snacks and drinks.
"We weren't expecting you guys back so soon," Meredith said walking in
"Hi. How's my favorite niece?" I asked
"She's doing well. She's in the spelling bee. Wants to be a neurosurgeon like her hardheaded father." Meredith smiled
"Hey," Derek said walking in
"Love you, honey." She laughed
"Alright, brooks let's represent," Bailey said
"Ally Kingston 27 years old. Was diagnosed with stage two Brain cancer at the age of 6 and has been in the same stage since then. Symptoms include headaches, chills, fever, muscle spasms, fatigue, hallucinations, blurred vision, confusion and seizures, chest pain, shortness of breath, and loss of balance or passing out for a certain amount of time. Has been in and out of the hospital for years but went into remission for about two years before contracting pneumonia and cancer coming back." Brooks announced
"Today Ally is in because she had some serious dizzy spells and was throwing up blood this morning. Carter, what could that indicate?" Derek asked
"It could be her cancer is spreading or could be some side effects of the meds but it's unlikely," Carter answered
"Let's get a CT, CBC, and CMP, and check her coags," Derek ordered
"That means go now,'' Bailey yelled

The interns scrambled out of the room bumping into the wall once or twice.
"Get comfy. Results won't be back for hours.'' Maggie said

5 hours later

"You still cold baby?" Aaron asked
"Yea a little." I laughed
"Hey so we have your results back." Bailey said walking in
"The cancer is spreading." Meredith said
"How bad?" Aaron asked
"We can treat it with medicine. But there is a drug in a clinical trial that if we tried would rid Ally of her cancer." Derek answered
"He's right but its extremely dangerous and experimental." Bailey said
"Side effects?" I asked
"Same side effects your having now but ten times worse." Bailey answered|
'' Well that's not bad seeing as how I've been living with this for years.'' I smiled
"Can we have a moment to think about this?" Aaron asked 

The doctors left and Aaron sat down taking a deep breath.
"Ally baby I need you to really think about this. This drug is experimental and extremely dangerous." He sighed 
"Aaron I have. I'm so fucking exhausted of throwing up every fucking morning and having headaches to the point I almost pass out. I can't even get a fucking job because of this cancer. You won't even touch me anymore and don't you even fucking lie and say you do because using your fingers is not touching me. I miss remission. I just want this to be over with.'' I cried
"Baby I am so fucking sorry. Your right I haven't been touching you and that's because I don't want anything happening to you and I'm the cause. I love you way to fucking much to let anything happen to you.'' He said grabbing me and cradling my head
"I want this. I want to feel like me.'' I sniffed

He called the doctors back in and we started the process. 


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