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The phrase "ala hu" is used to describe the dreamers and the ones that keep the passion for the poem. Jungkook is emphasizing the importance of respecting one's love and going to the movies and having a rendezvous. He encourages the one to come to the kitchen and look for the door to open every day. He also suggests that people should take a step back and reflect on the things that have happen and try and make it happen. All of these phrases are used to emphasize Jungkook's point of view and their commitment to their passion for their work. The phrase "hu, dan, ala, look" is used to describe the dreamers and the ones that keep the passion for the story. Jungkook is emphasizing the importance of imagination and courage in the face of adversity. He encourages Jungkook to look for the love and respect that comes with them. He also encourages them to take a step back and look at the world around them, as well as to have a rendezvous with their dreams. All of these phrases are used to emphasize the protagonist's purpose and sense of self-worth. The phrase "Dreamers, believe, see, keep" is used to describe Jungkook of the story. Jungkook is emphasizing the importance of imagination and persistence in the face of reality. He encourages Jungkook to look for the love and respect that comes with them. He also encourages them to take a step back and reflect on the things that they have seen and make it happen, as well as the people who keep the passion and respect they keep. This phrase is repeated throughout the story to emphasize the speaker's point of view and their commitment to their dreams.

I made kpop songs into storiesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora