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The speaker is getting attention from the other person, but is also asking them to take a ride with them if they wish to be free. They are throwing away their name and using it as a bargaining chip, so they should focus on every expression to get rid of the fake from the real. The phrase "name, throwing, Mr, just, ride" is used to describe the protagonist's journey to find the other person. He is asking them to take a ride with him, but they are hesitant as they are still a fake. He then throws away his name and tells them to focus on the things that are in their face and try to catch them if they can. In the end, he is just trying to be free and is not afraid to be thrown away. The speaker is expressing their frustration with the situation and wishes for someone to be free. They are asking if the other person would be free, and they are implying that they would like riding with them in a cycle of questions. The speaker is throwing away their name and is willing to do whatever is necessary to make it happen. He is emphasizing the importance of focus on all expressions and not being taken at their word. The song encourages people to take a ride with Rover rover rover, a free spirit who will take them anywhere and let the looks roll off their back. It also encourages people to peel away the fake from the real, the truth for them, and flip the thinking that cages them.

I made kpop songs into storiesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora