Part 80

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Your Pov:

I was gulping time to time while that psycho went to bring food and water. I sighed trying to remove the rope which is tied to my hand but it won't come, I groan feeling pain sitting in that position for so long. I heard footsteps and saw him coming with a plate and water bottle while smiling like a mad man. He came and sat in front of me.

Yun: Here doll as you asked I bring what you wanted

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Yun: Here doll as you asked I bring what you wanted. Now open your mouth I will feed you.

Huh! is he out of his mind, do he think that I will eat from his hand na. He grabbed the spoon and filled it with rice and bring it in front of my mouth but I turned my head to other side.

Y/n: O-open the ropes I-i will eat by myself.

I gulp when I didn't get any response so I looked at him only to see him gritting his teeth in anger.

Yun: See eat when I am feeding you don't make me angry or it wont be good for you. (cold)

He again forward the spoon near my mouth but I didn't open making him more angry, I winch when he held my cheeks forcing me to open the mouth and feed me forcefully. I started to cough as it was so spicy and it entered directly in my wind pipe. I kept coughing till now my face must have been turned red.

Y/n: W-water (cough)

But instead of giving water he feed me again which I spit it out. I felt a sting pain on my cheek and realize that he just slapped me I groan when he grabbed my hair and pulled them.

Yun: You are such a Bi*h you won't listen when I tell you nicely huh?

I closed my eyes when he pull me closer to him. As he was going to say something he was pushed away by jennie.

Jennie: Are you out of your mind If something happen to her then how we will get taehyung here.

She was yelling at him and I was trying to clam my breaths I sighed and opened my eyes and saw them sitting infront of me.

Jennie: Now enough for today she is still weak after all she woke up after 2 days.

Y/n: W-what 2 d-days.

Jennie: Oh dear sorry for not informing this before, but you know yun just injected so much dose inside you that you were unconscious for 2 days and we waited till you wake up and finally today you woke up. Now enough of talking I will call taehyung speak to him and tell him to come here.

Y/n: You can also do that why me (cold)

Jennie: Just do as I say, or do you want what happened few minutes ago huh?

You bite your lips and shook your head in no she mumbled a 'good' and took her phone before dialing a number and put it on a speaker. It rang but look like he didn't lift the call she groan in annoyance and tried again but still same response. And after trying for the fifth time he finally picked it up.

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