Part 22

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" Dream as if you will live forever ,live as if you will die today"

Author's Pov:

One of the maid guide you till the guest room.

Maid: Here we are I hope you will have a nice sleep.(smile)

Y/n: Thnx ,good night.(smile)

You entered inside and it was beautiful and comfortable bedroom

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You entered inside and it was beautiful and comfortable bedroom.

Y/n: Quite good not that bad let's go and change I am tired like hell.(yawn)

Y/n: Wow its beautiful never though I would do bath like this

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Y/n: Wow its beautiful never though I would do bath like this.(excited)

You showered and went to closets to wore simple dress and sleep but when you reached there it was empty nothing was there not even a single cloth but tried to search for something then you heard a knock on the door and the persons from outside said.

Maid: Miss Y/n I am keeping the cloths on the bed you may wear them as the closet must be empty ,I will get going then.(shout)

You sighed in relief and went outside and wore the cloths and plopped your self on the bed and drifted in deep sleep.

You sighed in relief and went outside and wore the cloths and plopped your self on the bed and drifted in deep sleep

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(Next morning)

You groaned because someone was knocking as the door continuously you rubbed your eyes and went to open to see one of the maid standing there.

Devil Mafia's Princess||KTH||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora