Part 52

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Author's Pov:

Taehyung: Mom who tried to kill you?.(cold)

She got froze at her place thinking about that day ,she was lost somewhere not able to speak anything then RM shake her to come out of the thoughts.

RM: Its ok aunty if you are not comfortable to tell ,take your time hmm don't stress and tae let her recover first then ask how many questions as want.(smile)

Taehyung just nod his head and sigh they decided to go from there with mom) to mansion.As they don't want to let her live here if is goes to mansion she will be safe.

Taehyung: We will go now then grandma and thankyou for giving a place to my mom to live and treating her like your daughter.(smile)

She just smile but something came in her mind so she decided to ask him.

Grandmother: Dear do you any how know about y/n as she must have come to you to tell about your mother ,is she fine its been months since I talked to her.

He stood there silently not able to give answer to her question then jimin decided to speak.

Jimin: Ya she is fine she just came yesterday to tell about aunty and she looked fine,don't worry she must be lil busy that's why she is not talking to you.(smile)

Grandmother: She must look fine but she will never be fine(mumble) Ahh ok then you must be getting late you should leave and do take care of your mother ok.(smile)

Taehyung nod his head and smiled and all of them left from there biting her goodbye.

(At mansion)

Ajumma knocked your door but you didn't open she tried again but no ,she called you name but again no response she started to panic and opened the door with another pair of keys she entered inside and saw empty and messy room she searched you in w...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Ajumma knocked your door but you didn't open she tried again but no ,she called you name but again no response she started to panic and opened the door with another pair of keys she entered inside and saw empty and messy room she searched you in washroom but you were also not there she looked around and saw duvet hanging to the balcony railing she went near it and looked down and came to know what happened she hurriedly called some bodyguard and told them to search for you before Taehyung come to know about this they started to search for you as they don't want to die this early they searched you everywhere but no use you already left the mansion .At that time taehyung and others reached the mansion they parked the cars and steeped down ,everyone were shocked to see her alive and also scared now what they will tell about you to him they gulp thinking about this and bow to them as they entered the mansion.

At that time taehyung and others reached the mansion they parked the cars and steeped down ,everyone were shocked to see her alive and also scared now what they will tell about you to him they gulp thinking about this and bow to them as they enter...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As he entered everyone present there looked towards him and they were also shocked ajumma stood there froze not able to believe what she saw she step towards them and stood infront of

(Note: From now on I will write Mrs.Kim for tae's real mom and Seo-Jun for his step mom)

Ajumma: A-are y-you really alive.(shocked)

Mrs.Kim smiled at her and nod her head she hugged her tightly and rubbing her back to make her clam,she broke the hug and said.

Mrs.Kim: Yes I am alive and I am back again ,I missed you soo much.(chuckled)

Ajumma smiled and hugged her again not able to believe after talking for sometime Mrs.Kim went to her room to fresh up. Taehyung was also ready to leave but stooped looking that everyone's face were hung low due to fear.

Taehyung: Where is y/n.(cold)

Silence no one dared to utter a word making taehyung frown and anger at the same time.

Taehyung: I asked you something.(growl)

Bodyguard: K-king today m-morning when ajumma enter h-her room she saw duvet tied to her balcony railing.(gulp)

Taehyung: So you are saying that she run away huh.(shout)

They flinch seeing him like this he took his gun ready to shoot him but stopped at his place when he heard.

Ajumma: Don't! you don't have any right to kill him whatever y/n has did was good for herself here she left this letter in her room.

She give him the letter and signaled others to leave from there everyone left and Taehyung stood there holding the letter and staring at it ,hobi tapped his shoulder and said.

Hobi: Go and read it peacefully ,there must be something in it.

Saying that everyone left from there taehyung reached his room and sat down on his sofa. He took a deep breath and opened the letter.

 He took a deep breath and opened the letter

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

(In letter)

Hey its me y/n again,
Hope you find your mother and if you did then thankyou for trusting me for the first time and I hope that your mom is well and fine. And I run away from mansion because I don't think I will be fine living there ,now I am somewhere away from you away from the evil people somewhere where is peaceful where I can leave happily just only me and no one else you know what I am tired, tired of living like this where a human think that you should help people and treat them nicely but some people in my life teach me that not everyone are angle and I come to know that I am to one of them who think that everyone are nice and good because they are also human like me ,I wished that it would have been nice if I was not born I wish I can kill myself better then bearing all this pain .I sometimes really think that am I really a curse to others or to myself  .I went through so many ups and downs but I stayed strong ,and this time I was not able to stay strong you can say that the reason behind it is was you only I don't hate you ,I hate what you did to me.
That day you told me that I was the one who killed that guy in the university but you don't know the real truth that day in the party what happened and blamed me because you don't know the truth I was not the one who killed jisoo uniee's child as you don't know the real truth .You also said that I killed your mom but you know what you came to know that she is alive like this you will know all the truth and that day will come soon and you will regret what you did to me. And what I regret was saving you that day in the alley but ,it is of no use thinking about it the one whom I helped and treated and saved is the one you gave me wounds that they will never heal.
I hope soon you will get to know all the truths and don't try to search for me .I kept a pen drive in your drawer please do watch it.

Unknowingly tears fell from his eyes he crumbled the paper and throw it somewhere in the room he wiped his tears and stood up he went near his drawer and searched for the pen drive which you told him to after finding it he sat down on the bed and inserted the drive in the laptop.He opened it and saw.......

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