Chapter four- Evie's touch

Start from the beginning

Brooke furrowed her eyebrows. "Huh." She scratched her head in confusion. "I did really like her art, I mean it's great." Brooke ranted to Evie hoping to not of offened the girl who walked off.

"She knows, she just um doesn't like being stuck in a room with people who can't paint." Evie smiled placing a hand on her elbow. Brooke's eyes went to the hand on her elbow.

The slighest touch from the girl made her feel more alive than she had in years.

Brooke looked up at her and Evie's eyes connected with her's. The light brown met dark brown, again and it felt like Brooke forgot how to breathe.

"Perhaps i could think of something else to get her intrest then." Brooke said as she took a step closer to the girl who moved her hand to Brooke's chest to keep her there with a teasing smile on her.

"Would your girlfriend like that?" Evie ran her finger along the girls chain, as she teased the girl infront of her she knew what she was doing. She knew how to work someone up she does it to Mal all the time.

"My girlfriend doesn't control what I do." Brooke stated as Evie hummed her thumb moving to brush against the girl neck lightly. "Does your's?" Brooke questions keeping as still as she could to feel every move Evie's soft delicate fingers made along her collarbone making it look like to anyone who saw them think she was fixing her tie or collar.

Evie giggled, like it was the funiest the thing she had ever heard. "Belive me when i tell you, I'm in charge." The way she said those words made Brooke nearly drop to her knees in the middle of the hallway. The rasp in her voice along with how soft it was made her feel things, the way Evie's fingers glided across her collar made her feel so many things in with just the lightest touch.

Brooke found herself craving Evie's touch.

"I belive you." Brooke looked like a wounded puppy when Evie removed her hand from her, although her eyes lit up again when the girl placed a hand on her cheek she tapped it two times.

"Good girl."

Fuck me.


Brooke threw the ball up and down as she layed on Dougs bed stuck in her head. Doug was at his desk trying to do his homework but the sound of the ball being thrown up and down in the air was very disstracting.

"Okay!" Doug slammed his book shut and spun around in his chair to look at the sad girl on his bed. "What's wrong with you? And don't say many things."

Brooke sat up after catching the ball one more time moving to lean against the headboard. "I think I'm a bad person." The said as she played with the ball in her hands.

Doug blicked a few times hoping the girl was joking. "Your kidding right?" When she shook her head he knew she was serious. "That's crap you know why, because your the nicest person i know, I mean you took me under you wing and helped me out of my confort zones. Look what your doing with the four Vk's you giving themn a chance at a better life."

Brooke looked up at him to see him looking at her sternly and she ducked her head in shame. "Then why do i feel bad?"

"Tell me why and I'll help." Doug moved so he was sat beside her, she always helped him in his times of need, she'd drop everything to make sure he was okay so he would happliy return the favour.

"I just feel weird... since these new kids have arrived I.. I can't think." Brooke looked at him with a look in her eyes of guilt.

Doug knew what was wrong, it wasn't the four Vk's it was two of them. "Mal and Evie." Dough smiled when Brookes eyes widened in alarm. "I'm not an idiot you know, and let me guess you feel guilty because you feel something for them that a person with a girlfriend shouldn't?" Brooke nodded at his words. "Well you shouldn't as long as you don't do anything with them then these nothing ti be sorry about. We cant control who we fall for. And i think they'd be better for you then Audrey I mean the girl hates when we hang out and she acts likes your both married."

Enchanted ~ Mal Bertha & Evie GrimhildeWhere stories live. Discover now