Chapter Thirty-One

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For a moment, Draco is shell-shocked. "If the Wallygagglers weren't there, then what were you planning to move to Hexhamshire?"

"We had no reason to doubt your claims at the time, did we?"

The gruelling line of questioning moves on, targeting them one after the other.

"Auror Weasley, is it true that you went against a superior's orders when you set up the wards at the moor? Is it also true that you were partially responsible for the attacks against Aurors that occurred on the night of the full moon at number twelve, Grimmauld Place?"

"Now hang on — attacks?"

"... Ms Patil, you're responsible for using a specific type of knockout gas — of your own invention — against the Aurors as well, are you not? A gas that has never been approved for use on human beings. Would you agree that that is a violation of your Hippocratic Oath?"

"It's completely harmless. I knew that for a fact when I used it." Parvati flips her plait over her shoulder. "Secondly, Magiveterinarians don't have to swear the Hippocratic Oath, but I'm fairly certain it doesn't contain anything you're insinuating it does. Healers use non-standard experimental spells on patients all the time when necessary. The only oath I did take speaks solely about animal protection, which was my goal that evening. So ... no."

Gore looks at her for a long time before dismissing her.

"Ms Brown, as Centaur Liaison, surely you know the proper paths one must take when arguing for the rights of an endangered magical species. You've seen the system before, you know how things play out, and yet you chose to go against it. Why?"

"Your system wasn't doing anything. You were planning to relocate the Wallygagglers to a new habitat for the first time in over 200 years. The species was already dying out. The move could have proved entirely fatal."

"Do we not have proof of any other locations they've successfully inhabited? Surely this isn't the only pod of Wallygagglers in existence — if they exist at all. That would be rather convenient, wouldn't it?"

"We haven't been able to find evidence of any more."

"And yet you claim we're at fault for not finding this pod sooner. Could it be that a similar situation is occurring?"

Lavender looks down at her lap.

"... Mr Scamander, you're a Magizoologist, is that correct?"

"Yes, my Lady."

"So you've spent your entire career researching magical creatures?"

"Yes, I have."

"What can you tell us about Wallygagglers and their natural habitats?"

"Well, they live in moors, my Lady, which vary widely in terms of flora and fauna. Luna Lovegood may be able to give you more specific information, pertaining to them."

"Is it not true that Ms Lovegood has been known to be an unreliable source of information? Certainly, half of the species of which she speaks cannot be assumed real."

"With all due respect, my Lady, no one thought Wallygagglers were real either."

When he takes his seat again, Luna gives him a peck on the cheek before she gets to her feet, and Rolf's eyes grow large and moony.

"Ms Lovegood, have you anything to say about the status of Wallygagglers, what they need to survive, or the North Moor?"


The crowd breaks out in titters.

"No?" Gore asks cautiously.

"All the evidence was presented beforehand. That's the typical way of things. I'm only here to give testimony."

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