Chapter Twenty

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Draco wakes to aggressive shoulder shaking early in the morning. Scorpius just barely blocks the sun coming in through the door flap.

"Dad. Dad!"


"There are representatives from the Wizengamot here. A whole team of them, plus some testy-looking Aurors."

He sits straight up, groaning at the strain in his back. He can hear others stirring nearby too, but he doesn't pay them any attention. Draco gets to his feet and rushes after Scorpius.

They arrive at the edge of the stream, half-jogging in their haste.

One of the Ministry officials is there talking to a few reporters, but when she lays eyes on Draco, she frowns severely and dismisses them.

"Mr Malfoy," she says as he approaches. "Leonora Gore, Chieftess of the Wizengamot. Am I to understand that you're responsible for this?"

"Me?" he asks, then looks at Scorpius, who nods rapidly at him, wide-eyed. "Yes, I'm responsible."

Draco hears someone come up behind him, and he can tell who it is without looking by watching Gore stretch her mouth into a wide, uncomfortable smile. "Mr Potter. So glad you could join us."

All around, people are beginning to wake. Some look over and notice them, and they gradually move closer to hear the interaction. Teddy steps up behind them, going to his godfather's side.

"We're pleased to have you here too," Potter says cooly. "Decided to support the cause?"

Gore's smile grows strained around the edges. "Something like that." She raises her voice. "Everyone feel free to gather 'round! I have an important announcement, straight from the Ministry. We just reached a verdict this morning." To Draco, she murmurs, "Pulling a stunt like this is a wonderful way to end up in Azkaban, like the rest of your worthless family," smiling sweetly all the while.

Scorpius steps in front of him, almost protectively. Draco places a hand on his shoulder, serving both to hold him back and reassure him.

The crowd grows until almost everyone who stayed the night on the moor is waiting.

Gore casts an Amplifying Charm and greets them all cheerily. Across the water, he can see the Wallygagglers gathering, wary.

"We at the Ministry want you to know that we hear your concerns, and we're going to act on them. We agree that the Wallygagglers have been suffering here for far too long."

He observes the spark of hope that drifts through the crowd, but he doesn't grab onto it. Not yet.

"That's why we're ordering the removal of the Wallygaggler pod from North Moor to Hexhamshire, effective immediately."

He feels Scorpius's shoulders stiffen under his hand and is grabbing him back before he even moves.

"That's not what they want!" Scorpius calls, trying to be heard over the murmurs of the crowd. "You can't just force them to move! It's their home!"

Draco tries to pull him away, to talk some sense into him before the Aurors drag them off.

"Please hold all comments," Gore says. "We'll be having an open discussion session in one week's time. Now, we ask that you please evacuate the moor so that we can get started on this exciting project."

"Dad, we have to do something!" Scorpius hisses. "We have to do something."

"I know." His eyes seek out Potter's, then, across the stream, Click, his face etched with grave concern.

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