Chapter Thirteen

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Draco's boots are sinking into the ground. The moon seems to rise in leaps and bounds as Lavender claws at his shoulder, heaving and groaning as she tries to get her heels unstuck.

"Why don't you just take them off?" Luna asks.

"You'd want me to go barefoot in a moor?" Lavender asks, scandalised. "At night?"

"You could Transfigure them," Rolf Scamander suggests politely as he uses his significant height to help leverage her out.

Luna brought him along on a whim, seemingly, but once Rolf heard what they were doing, he'd leapt at the chance to be involved. Draco is not at the point where he'll turn down a Magizoologist's expertise lightly.

"They'd never be the same," Lavender complains. "You can't honestly expect me to sacrifice a pair of heels like that."

"You must not care about them too much," Parvati says, "seeing as you brought them to a moor."

Lavender goes quiet, gritting her teeth stubbornly and finally digging her way out again.

Draco's not sure he wants to know what history they're steeping in. He'll be surprised if they make it through the night without coming to blows.

It seems that Parvati's perspective on whatever happened is quite different from Lavender's, given that she greeted Lavender with a scowl that marred her pretty face so severely she was nearly unrecognisable.

Lavender's hesitant smile vanished a second after seeing that, and she's been whinging ever since.

"How much longer?" Draco calls ahead.

Scorpius and Teddy look over their shoulders. They've been leading the pack, with the help of Potter.

Potter and Teddy are using their magical eyes to try to find the most concentrated source of Wallygaggler magic. Scorpius is helping them not trip over things they can't see thanks to the magic.

"I think we're close!" Teddy yells back.

Scorpius flashes a thumbs up at Draco before continuing on.

"So, what do the Wallygagglers want with you, anyway?" Parvati asks, adjusting the rucksack on her shoulder for about the hundredth time.

"That's what we're trying to find out."

How many things could it be, really?

Maybe the Wallygagglers wanted world domination. Maybe they just liked seeing wizards suffer. He had no idea. He just knew that he had to see this through to the end. For his patients, and for Scorpius.

That was the crux of the issue. The Wallygagglers had found the very things that mattered most to him in this world, and if Potter's lack of a social life and huge stockpile of portraits are any indication, they've done the same to him.

He doesn't want to be toying about with omniscient beings, not in the slightest.

When they get a few metres from a small body of water that splits the land in half, Luna stops walking.

"It's time you all see the equipment I've brought along, just in case we run into our future selves during the visit." She pulls the chain of a Time-Turner out from the neck of her dress with both thumbs, displaying it to them all with deadly serious warning in her protuberant eyes.

"Where the hell did you get that?" Potter asks. "All the Time-Turners were destroyed, weren't they?"

Luna blinks at him in her mystifying way. "Someone had to make them in the first place, didn't they? What would stop them from making more?"

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