Part 4

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Lucas Sat beside her and caressed her face gently...

'just what's bothering you so much sia..?

He thought and he spotted her mobile...

' she started crying after seeing something right..? " he thought as he took her mobile and unlocked it with her finger... He smiled as he saw the wallpaper is still the same when he saw her mobile last time six years ago .. Their last photo together

' what..? Are you going to try dying again.? You can't escape from me even if you die athansia..'

As soon as he read the message he jerked up from the seat and started searching for all the details...he called lily and helena and told them to come over quickly and as soon as they came.. He told them to not leave her side and watch over her and left..

"lucas..? What..
Cabel stopped as he felt the murderous aura seeping out of him and flinched

He opened his laptop and started searching something..

'huh... Who is he suddenly tracking..?' he thought confused..

'oh he found it...' cabel was staring at the screen while lucas rushed out after packing some things in his bag

"hey luu wait I will come with you..." he said as he followed him out... Then he  regretted coming in the  next five minutes.

Is he gonna commit suicide driving this fast..? I feel dizzy and nauseous.. Why does he look this pissed...? I am sure someone is gonna die today..who the hell lives in the middle of the forest..?

He walked towards a huge mansion and the security guards stopped him... Cabel jumped over the guy lying flat on ground from lucas 's punch.

He banged open the door to see a man in his fourties standing  there in his bath robe smoking cigar.. He flinched as he saw lucas standing there looking scary as hell.. His red eyes are glowing with fury

He lifted him up from the ground strangling his neck.. He shouted and two bodyguards ran towards him.. Cabel have no idea what's happening still, he beat those guys down..

" hey who are you..? Leave me down." he said in a low voice as his neck is being strangled

" how dare you to that to my sia" he said and cable glared at him...

"what did this bastard did..?" he asked and lucas throwed him down and kicked him

" ohh.. You are that sudden boyfriend huh... I thought why she is still aahh... Aahhh.."

He screamed in pain as lucas smashed his thingy hard like its gonna detach from his body...

" you shouldn't have set your eyes on her.. I have no plans of letting you alive.. How dare you piece of trash... "

he said as he lifted him up and beat the shit out of him... Cabel looked around the house and gasped as he saw a room Filled with screens and photos of so many girls and everything looked like a stalked collection

" this stalker bastard.. "

he mumbled as he turned to see only one system is on and something is loading on the screen.. his hands trembled as he pressed cancel and ran outside of the room...

" no wonder he is furious.. That pervert bastard is dead for sure .. "

he mumbled as he walked to the living room to see he is already unconscious pooled in blood...

" lucas.. It's enough.. he won't get up any soon... Go and clear everything I will take of him until then.."

cabel said as lucas sighed and walked past him...

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