Chapter 3: Daily Ignorance

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Note on how to read this:

*: for locations and time
": Titles of the person, Remarks
~: Flashbacks
^: Notes
() : Inside talks (basically mind talks), giving some side info and meanings
|: Characterization (the characters or places origin in a kind of narration) but also shows more info about a specific frame, reward, contract, or to what the mc and other characters writing in their book and some information.
': Narration
°: emotions the person has when talking
{}: sound effects

That is all hope you enjoy reading💗

Also, the name of the author:
Madam Tophat✨️


~Previously in Chapter 2~

'Kaisen closed his eyes as he drifted off to sleep. A few hours later the window to his room opened and a shining glow appear closing in on Kaisen's body specifically the heart.'

~End of Preview~

*Kaisen's Bedroom, 2:46 am*

'The shining glow suddenly enters kaisen's body and a few minutes later light started illuminating the entire room.'


*Magistral Tower, 7th Heads Office*

???: So.... one of my experiments escaped?~

'The unknown asked his subordinate while holding contract papers.'

Subordinate: Y-yes yo-your grace....°terrified°

???: Hm~ so be it then...

Subordinate: Pa-pardon your grace?

???: That experiment was a big, big failure there's no reason to think much about it, right?

Subordinate: But what if it causes major trouble, your grace?

'the unknown paused to think but spoke.'

???: I don't think it would cause major trouble because it was a passive spirit and there's no way it would suddenly be hostile won't it?

Subordinate: Maybe.... your right your grace...

???: Oh well~..... you're excused

Subordinate: Thank you, your grace.....

'As the subordinate leaves the unknown man stands up and looks through the window to where the incident broke out.'

???: Hm... I wonder where it went, there are so many possibilities but my hunch is it would go to the forest...... Let's stop thinking about it...

'As the unknown went back to his desk, he flipped over a frame that reads.'

|Youngest Mage to become one of the Heads of the Magistral Tower: Presenting it to!!!

Louis Harp Magis.|

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*Kaisen's Bedroom, 6:21 am*

'Kaisen woke up still dazing around but immediately jumped out the bed and started stretching his body.'

Kaisen: U-urgh.... damn does this body ever exercise?

'Kaisen's original soul never trained its body which hence it lacks the potential for both being a mage and a swordsman.'

'Kaisen then walks up to his desk, sat down, reached out one of his books, and starts reading.'

|Magistral Training Guide 101|

The Young Master is everyone's favorite???Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ