A Bio Chem Agent

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"Fri?" Peter asked. "Where are they? Do you know what they are after yet?"

"They are on the 4th floor, it looks like they are going after some tech in one of the experiment labs" FRIDAY replied.

"Experiment labs? What on earth would they want there?" Peter responded. "A bio chemical agent" Friday said in a serious tone. "Only authorised personnel know it exists and where it resides. It seems like this is an inside job."

"You have got to be kidding me" Peter said out loud. Peter has just had to take over SI and he gets greeted by an inside job? Peter wasn't happy. Speaking of Happy.

"FRIDAY give me a status report on the evacuation. Can you also try to contact either Pepper or Mr. Stark please??" Peter said desperately.

"Miss Potts and Mr. Stark are both unavailable, I have been trying to contact them when I can, Happy has evacuated everyone from the 3rd floor and down. Those still higher have been told to seek shelter in storage cupboards and bathrooms." Friday said. Peter noted the use of Mr Stark instead of Boss. I guess FRIDAY had already switched the names of those in charge. Peter didn't like it, he was Peter not Boss, that name was reserved for Mr Stark.

"Ok how is Midtown? Is anyone touching my stuff?" Peter asked. Although there is an emergency Peter didn't like the fact that his classmates are stowed away in his personal lab.

"No Peter, Ned is making sure no one touches anything and the bots are getting attention from most of the class. Your stuff is fine." FRIDAY stressed

Peter nodded and started to walk towards the staircase so he could make his way up to the 30th floor to get to the experiment labs that were off limits. He tried to think which of the scientists he knew would create a team to steal something from Stark Industries. All of the scientists were loved here. There would be no reason for someone to steal a bio chem weapon? As Peter made his ascent he heard some talking and a rush of footsteps on the stairs. Peter activated his iron spider suit and its nano technology and stuck the roof. The intruders, not looking up, started going past Peter. Peter decided he would stop the intruders before they got to the bio chem labs. As Peter hung upside down he said

"Oh hey guys! I thought we were all meant to be evacuating"

The intruders raised their guns at Peter in a quick response.

"Oh come on guys, that's not very nice now is it?" Peter said with a smirk.

The intruders started shooting at Peter. Peter quickly started dodging the bullets. He shot a web at the muzzles of the guns and they all quickly stopped shooting.

"Well now are you going to tell me why you're trying to get to the bio chem labs?" Peter asked the crew.

The intruders resorted to punching Peter and so Peter threw punches back. There were 5 men, Peter was definitely outnumbered.

"Karen tell Friday to lock the stairway" Peter yelled to his AI.

"Stairway is locked," Karen responded.

The fight was going great. Peter was good at hand combat with his trading with Natasha. What he wasn't prepared for was to be knocked in the back of the head with a plank of random wood. Peter was stunned as he tried to get his bearings back. The intruders seeing him off guard all started punching him in his stomach and face. Peter tried fighting back as hard as he could as he saw black spots in his vision. He couldn't afford to pass out; he's currently the only one in charge. Peter fell onto his back groaning at the new increase in pain.

"Leave him" one the intruders said "We need to get the serum before Tony and Pepper get back"

Tony and Pepper hey? So this person personally knows Mr Stark and Pepper. No one gets to call them by their first name unless they've gotten permission from them or they were Peter. Someone who they had to keep telling him to call them by their first name, but Peter only ended up calling Pepper by her first. Tony.. Well Tony was stuck with Mr. Stark.

"Dude he's Spider-Man we have to take him down to finish the job" of them replied.

"We'll finish the job once we get the serum. MOVE!" The one who seemed to be in charge yelled.

And so they did move. Peter heard as their voices became distant. He then heard one them shout

"It's locked!"

"Blow it up, these doors aren't explosion proof. I've accidentally blown a couple of them up while testing things here"

Peter rolled on the ground and tried to catch his breath, just hanging onto reality. He gripped his stomach and tried to wait patiently for some of the pain to subside. He felt the explosion ring through the stairwell which got him motivated to continue going after the intruders. Peter groaned as he slowly sat up taking deep breaths to try and calm the pain. However his deep breaths made it significantly worse.

"Karen" Peter practically whispered. "Where are they?"

"Peter, I believe you need to visit the med bay. The extent of your injuries would put you in more harm than good." Karen replied.

"Karen," Peter said sternly. "Where are they?"


"Karen I do not have time for this, Pepper is unreachable, and Tony's dealing with his own mission. I'm the only one who can help, I am in charge, I am the boss so you will tell me where they are." Peter practically yelled to his AI. He pulled the boss card. Peter didn't like to pull the boss card but he had too. Karen just didn't understand.

There was some silence before Karen said

"They have just reached the 15th floor. They are 10 floors away from their target"

"I'm sorry" Peter muttered as he started to run up the stairs to catch his intruders. It was painful, extremely painful to run up the stairs. Peter's head was throbbing, his stomach was in excruciating pain, his ribs hurt, everything hurt; but Peter could do nothing about it. He had the entire weight of Stark Industries on his hands, he's responsible for Tony's company, he is responsible for all the lives, and most importantly, Peter Parker is responsible for his best friends Ned and MJ. If anything happened to them like something happened to uncle-.

Peter choked, thinking about what happened on that fateful night. Peter couldn't stop. He ran as fast as he could up those stairs. It would be ok, he'll get to the med bay soon he just had to make sure that there was no bio weapon on the streets of New York. 

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