Midtown High and Peter

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Peter smelled waffles as he woke up in the avengers tower. He was on the couch, meaning that once again he slept through the movie. Everyone was fine with Peter sleeping through the movies, they know that he's always tired after a day at school and being in the labs with Tony. Peter got up and walked towards the kitchen and was greeted with a big stack of waffles.

"Mmm Waffles! Who made them?" Peter asked

"I did"

Peter looked as he saw smart hulk making the waffles.

"Hulk! Long time no see!" Peter exclaimed.

"Hey Peter, I decided to let the green guy out for a bit today." Smart Hulk replied.

"Can I have some waffles?"Peter asked

"Sure thing Peter, I've cooked 10 for you!"

"Thanks Hulk!" Peter said as he helped himself to 10 waffles. Peter thought about yesterday and he remembered about the field trip they had coming up. He had realised he hadn't told anyone about the field trip. After much thought Peter decided that he didn't want to tell anyone in case they tried to embarrass him. Peter walked to his room and decided that he would set up a stealth protocol for when he comes on his field trip.

"Hey FRIDAY I need to set up a new protocol" Peter said.

"Sure thing Peter, how can I help?" The AI asked.

"When I come to the avengers tower with a tour group by the name of Midtown High can you only address my name but not my level status? I'll be coming through the front entrance, but I don't want anyone to know I have Avengers level access, my friends only know that I have an internship and it will be hard to ex-" Peter's rambling was cut off by the AI.

"Sure thing Peter, I'll set up the protocol now" FRIDAY replied.

"Thank you so much Fri, you don't know how much this means to me" Peter replied looking at the ceiling.

The weeks went surprisingly quick, and that didn't help calm Peters nerves about the fast approaching field trip. It was the morning of, and Peter, like always, was running late to get to school. He had been up late last night helping stop a robbery at a nearby bank and hadn't gotten back home until the early hours of the morning. As Peter swung to school he thought about if any one had found out about the field trip. He had managed to get Aunt May to sign the slip while she was tired after a night volunteering and so she doesn't know. Peter didn't think anyone would find out, and he sure hoped no one found out. Peter got to school and jumped on the bus just before it was about to leave.

"Thank you for joining us Peter," Mr Harrington said.

Peter gave a quick nod before walking to the back of the bus to find Ned.

"What's up dick wad" Flash said "ready for your web of lies to unravel. We all know you don't have an internship at Stark Industries."

Peter made no comment but heard someone else say

"Mind your business Flash, Peter has an internship with SI"

It was MJ, she always stuck up for Peter. Ned looked at Peter and said

"Don't worry Peter, hopefully he'll stop making fun of you when he realises you're telling the truth."

"Ned it's Flash he won't ever stop" Peter said sadly.

The pair settled into silence for the rest of the journey. It wasn't long until they turned the corner and the tower was visible. The bus was met with a chorus of oh's and ah's. Ned and Peter didn't say anything, they've been to the tower and MJ was MJ showing no reaction at all. Mr Harrington got up and directed the students off the bus and into the entrance of the tower. The group settled in the lobby of the tower waiting for their tour guide to arrive. After a short time a woman was seen walking towards the group.

"Are you guys Midtown High?" She asked.

A series of "yes" could be heard.

"Ok cool! Well hello and welcome to Stark Industries! Has anyone been on a tour here before?" She asked into the crowd.

A couple of hands went up but Peters remained down. Of course he had been to the tower before, he just didn't want to draw attention to himself. Flash noticed and smugly said

"Ha Peter we all knew you were lying you didn't put your hand up!"

The tour guide looked at Flash then looked towards Peter.

"Oh hey Peter! I didn't know you would be coming on the tour. You should have told me I could have planned something different for you."

Peter sheepishly said "Oh hello Grace. Don't worry about it, I didn't want anyone to know that I was coming on a tour anyway."

"Oh ok" she replied.

Flash looked away in disbelief. Peter was thankful the tour guide was Grace. He had met Grace a long time ago when he went to the food court to get some food after a long day in the lab. Peter knew a lot of the staff just by meeting them in the food court. Grace began to explain the security passes.

"I'll call out everyone's name and then they can come and collect their pass. These passes give you one time tour access and are associated with everyone's name so don't lose or misuse them!" Grace said. "We also don't allow reprints so if you lose them you will be escorted to the lobby until the tour is over and then you will head back to school." Dammit, Peter forgot about the reprint rule Happy had set up. This means he's going to have to use his pass to enter the building. And as if on cue Flash raised his hand in the air.

"Excuse me Miss? Peter didn't get a pass."

"Oh he doesn't need one, he's already got his. Peter! Do you have your pass on you or do I need to call Happy down to let you in?" She asked, looking at Peter.

"Whose Happy?" Flash interrupted.

"No, you don't need to call Happy. I have my pass right here" Peter said as he pulled it from underneath his t-shirt.

"Happy is the head of security here at Stark Industries. He personally knows Peter, because Peter often forgets his pass at school" Grace replied to Flash.

"Ok, moving on each security pass has different levels. They range the whole colour of the rainbow. Red is the lowest colour which is what you guys have. Black is the highest colour reserved for Pepper Pots, Tony Stark, the avengers and one mystery person. Some have speculation as to who that person is but no one knows for certain. The only person other than Tony and Pepper who knows who it is, is FRIDAY. Say hello FRIDAY" Grace said.

"Hello Midtown High and Peter. Enjoy your tour at Stark Industries." 

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