I'm Sorry Pete.

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There was a low rumbling sound coming from behind one of the doors in the stairway. Peter had reached the 24th floor. He was just 1 floor under where the experiment labs are, where the bio chem agent is supposedly kept. He heard some mumbling and someone swearing as the low rumbling continued. Peter decided his best course of action is to stop whoever was behind the door. He looked up to the ceiling, in hopes FRIDAY would know he wanted the door unlocked. Peter couldn't afford to ask her, what if the intruders heard him or her? The door opened, so Peter gave a nod to the ceiling. Thanking FRIDAY. Peter peaked around the door, he saw only 2 of the 5 men here, which meant the others were most likely upstairs. Peter muttered a small curse which was noticed by one of the men.

"Hey! Stop him!" One of the intruders yelled.

And the fight was on. Peter was taking on only 2 of the bad guys this time, and so he thought it would be more of a fair fight. However, what Peter forgot was that he was badly injured and was aching all over. The pair were clearly the worst at fighting as Peter was beating them down. Peter managed to web one of the men onto the wall and was now just fighting the last one. Peter was running out of breath and was hoping that this last man would give up soon. He still needed to figure out why they wanted the serum and who these intruders work for. Peter being Peter dubbed the intruders their own names. The one on the wall. He was called Wall-Man. The one he was fighting, well he was called Mercury. Why? Well because Mercury means the God of Tradesmen and Thieves and well. They were thieves.

"So why do we want the serum boys?" Peter asked.

"Why do you care?" Wall-Man snapped

"Why do I care? Well you're the one intruding MY building. Don't I deserve to know why you want something of mine?" Peter told the boys.

"Why would we steal serum from Spider-Man? We're stealing this from Tony Stark. Last I heard Spider-Man did not own Stark Industries" Mercury replied.

Peter didn't get a chance to respond as the low rumbling sound was heard again.

"Shit" Wall-Man cursed. "We need to get out of here!" He yelled.

Just as Peter was about to ask why, FRIDAY spoke.

"Spider-Man, You need to get out, the floor of level 25 is about to collapse."

"Collapse? But this is a stark industry. Why would it collapse?"

Peter didn't get a response as he was plunged into darkness. It was silent, peaceful. There was no noise, Peter wasn't an anxiety filled ball it was just silence. Peter groaned as he tried to stand up. Clearly, the pain had followed him into this peaceful abyss. Peter looked around trying to make sense of the abyss; there was nothing here. Why was he here, he was meant to be stopping the intruders from Stark Industries. Peter was frustrated. He couldn't afford to be here! He was acting CEO and he had people to save. He was Spider-Man, Spider-Man can't save people from this abyss. Peter continued looking around the darkness until he stopped locking eyes with someone he thought he would never see again.

"Uncle-" Peter choked, the words getting stuck in his throat.

"Hey Pete, you're ok, It's nice to finally see you again." Uncle Ben replied softly.

"W- What are you doing here?"Peter asked his uncle.

"You're in the middle, Pete. I've come to escort you the rest of the way."

"What do you mean the rest of the way? Where am I? What are you doing here?" Peter asked again, his voice going higher. Peter was freaking out. The middle ground? What's the middle ground? And why is Uncle Ben here?

Oh God.

Peter turned away from his uncle, his protector. He couldn't be. There was no way, he's just 17. He had his entire life to live. Why now? Why so early.

"Am I dead?" Peter whispered. He got no response. "Am I dead?" Peter tried again. He got no response. Peter was getting furious. Peter fell on his knees with a thump. Tears threatened to spill and his lips began to quiver. With a stern voice Peter asked his uncle again.

"Am. I. Dead."

"I'm Sorry Pete."

Peter's world came crashing down. He cried. Peter cried for MJ. He cried for Ned. He cried for Aunt May. He cried for Mr Stark. But most importantly he cried for himself. How could he let all those people down? How could he die in such a stupid way? He heard FRIDAY tell him, so why didn't he go? And the pain. Why is he in so much pain, he's meant to be dead. It was all too unbearable and so Peter plunged into a spluttering mess of tears. Uncle Ben said nothing as his young nephew cried. He walked closer to his son, his nephew and embraced him in a hug.

"I'm so sorry Peter"

A low beeping was heard throughout the abyss. Peter confused slowed his cries.

"What's that?" Peter asked his uncle. Uncle Ben just smiled and looked at his crying nephew.

"You have to go back." Uncle Ben replied.

"Go back?" Peter asked.

He didn't get a response, instead his pain intensified. Peter let out a blood curdling scream. Peter felt a pull into an area of the abyss he hadn't looked before.

"I'm sorry Peter" he heard.

Sorry? Who's saying that? Who's saying sorry? The beeping continued, getting louder and never faltering.

"Please Pete. Please I'm so sorry I'll never go again. Please"

Who's talking? Why are they sorry? What did they do?

"Just come back to me, please Pete. You can't give up, not like this. It isn't fair. You're too young."

Peter groaned. The pain resurfacing in his mind. He tried to open his eyes and he was met with a flush of white light.

"Pete? Oh my god Peter! Quick go get Bruce" the voice said.

Peter groaned again. He pulled his hand up to his eyes to block out the light. Looking around the room until his eyes met the red blood shot eyes of a man in his hospital room. 

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