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To say I was being treated like a princess would be an understatement.

I would even go as far as to say that any other Noble or Royal wouldn't have been treated the way I was being.

Then again, what would I know about being royalty? Sure I've read a load of books, but nothing compares to the original stuff.

As soon as the prince had left, two extraordinarily beautiful maids had come with small smiles on their faces and a trolley rolling right behind them which was full of things I couldn't make out because of being covered in wraps.

Both the girls seemed to be somewhere around their pre-teens, but the spark of wisdom in their ruby-red eyes made me think otherwise.

The colour also told me that they were turned by a Royal, and that they weren't born vampire, rather humans like myself.

For a small moment, while watching them prepare a bath for me in the pool-like jacuzzi, I had wondered why they had turned willingly. Humans become a much more terrifying version of cannibals, crazy for blood and flesh if turned against their will. And since they showed nothing but kindness and sincerity, it was a willing change on their part.

I wonder who their maker is...

"The bath is ready," One of the girl's voice broke me out of my thoughts. I looked over to see them both standing in a similar stance --hands clasped together in front of them and a small, kind smile on each of their faces that they constantly seemed to be wearing.

"Okay, you can leave, thank you." I told them with a smile, beginning to get down the counter.

"Oh no, miss," the one with ash-blonde hair said in her soprano voice, disappearing from her spot beside the other maid and appearing in front of me in an instant. I resisted the urge to flinch but halt all movements.

"His Highness asked us to bathe you and dress you. You are injured and weak. You need to relax." The second one said in a breezy voice, her hair fiery red like her eyes.

I wanted to tell them it was okay, but that would also mean going against the prince's orders. And after all that he'd done, I couldn't insult him like that.

"Alright," I agreed, and it was enough for them to whisk me away from the counter.

In mid-air, all that was left covering me, was torn off and I was placed gently inside the tub.

"Forgive our manners, but I'm Hadley," the one with fiery red hair said. I was starting to fall in love with her voice and wondered if she could sing even more beautifully then she spoke.

"And I'm Blair," said the ash-blonde with a happy grin, lighting up the room with angelic radiance even though with her eyes being the red they were, she should have looked scary. But she was nowhere close to the word.

"It's okay. I'm Genevieve. It's very pleasant to meet you, Hadley and Blair."

They both gave me pearly white grins, before getting on with work.

They both massaged my body, relaxing my muscles as well as scrubbing me clean before shampooing my hair. I noticed the water was rose-scented, which seemed to relax me further.

When they were done, they got me to stand under the shower-head while they poured more rose-scented water on me and then they got me in my under garments.

After dressing all my major wounds with bandages, Hadley took in a deep breath and blew full force at my hair, drying them instantly while Blair brushed through them.

With that done, they did them up in a loose yet elegant bun -my head hurt from all the tugging and pulling of those abusive women to let the girls tie them up tightly- and dressed me into another, pure white gown.

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