Certain Secrets Revealed...

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⚠️Long chapter Ahead⚠️
*If the words are slanted either they are using sign language or texting*

*Point of view chapters from this chapter on (One or two are not be though)*



The way Nuengdiao and Heart were looking at me I felt my heart breaking. I thought my brothers were going to yell at me or be mad at me. Nuengdiao gave me my phone and sighed, he looked disappointed.

He looked me in the eyes, "Nuea, what's going on?"

"Nong, I-I..."

"Deiyw, Phi breathe first and then answer (Phi breathe first and then answer)," Nuengdiao reassured him and signed so Heart was involved.

I sighed and started bouncing my leg up and down. "He and I are together...(He and I are together)" I flinched, covering my face so no one would hit me.

Heart removed my hands from my face and signed to me," We are not mad at you, but why didn't you tell us?"

"Because I figured you guys, especially Nuengdiao, would be mad at me and hate me because I'm "sleeping with the enemy" and I had to think about por's reputation," I tried not to look so hurt.

Heart rolled his eyes, "Man fuck por, he barely think we existence and he treat mae with disrespect and talk to her any type of way," Nuengdiao and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

Nuengdiao made a questionable expression, "You know about them fighting and arguing..."

"Did you forget I can read lips really well? Plus I know y'all try to hide stuff like that from me because y'all don't want me hurt but I'm not baby anymore and y'all don't have to hide stuff anymore and I know the real reason why I'm deaf too.." Heart explained himself with a painful expression and furrowed his eyebrows.

Only I knew the real reason behind my brother losing his hearing. I still blame myself everyday for asking for ice cream that day and I vowed to protect my brother from getting hurt ever again. On the other hand, Nuengdiao was with our mom when it happened so he doesn't know anything.

Nuengdiao was confused now,"Deiyw, what is the real reason?"

"Nothing, don't worry about it, back to Nuea," he looked at me and signed, "why were you afraid to tell us? Did you think we weren't going to approve because he is our "enemy"?"

"Yes...plus I thought you guys would have a problem with me being pin gay.." I wanted to bawl my eyes out.

Nuengdiao sat close to me, "We don't care what you are, you are still our brother and we want what's best for you (We don't care what you are, you are still our brother and we want what's best for you ) ," He smiled at me with his pearly white teeth.

Heart agreed by nodding his head, when I looked at him and he smiled at me. Honestly I love my brothers and we have always been open with each other and opened with our mom. Shia!! How was I going to tell Mae?!

Nuengdiao grabbed my hand when I was lost in thought and made me look at him, "We will help you tell mae, ok? (We will help you tell mae ,ok?)" He smiled at me again and we all hugged.

Once we released the hug, Heart shot me the 'I love you' sign and I giggled and did it back. My brothers were everything to me and I just had hoped I was being a good example to them.

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