Chapter 3

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Ryan pov:

My hands were all sweaty and shaky, my heart was pounding, I took a breath to calm myself a bit. I could do this, it's not like this had a major effect on my life at all. I finally opened my truck door and climbed out, I looked up at the orphanage in front of me. It was a only girl orphanage, I had decided a girl would be better cause they tend to be more mature.

I walked up to the front door and knocked, a few moments later a tall woman with dark hair opened the door.
"Hi, you must be Mr. Blaney, I'm Ms. Green." She said introducing herself, I cringed a little at the use of my last name, it made me sound like my dad. I extended my hand and we shook hands before she led me into the house. We walked down a hallway and then into what I guessed to be her office.

She sat down at the desk and I took the chair opposite,
"So what age are you thinking?" She asked,
"Well I want a girl that can take care of herself a bit, I race a lot so she might be either left alone a bit or be with a lot of different people." I explained, "so I was thinking over the age of nine and under fifteen." Ms, Green nodded as she thought for a moment,
"Well I'll go get the girls that age and you can meet them." She stood up and gestured for me to follow her.

She led me to a room which I figured to be the living room, she told me to wait there while she got the girls. I stood awkwardly in the middle of the room waiting. My thoughts at war with each other, was this a good idea? Was I ready? I had already told my parents and they had been super supportive, everyone had. They all thought I could do this, but I was starting to second guess myself. Maybe I was to immature, too crazy and wild.

Jessica pov:

I hummed softly to myself as I went about my daily chores, I was currently cleaning the bathroom upstairs. All the girls were buzzing with excitement, someone was coming to adopt today. I didn't really care, I had been in here long enough to know that no one wanted me and there was no point getting excited only to be let down. I smiled with satisfaction as I finished the bathroom, I grab the bucket with the cleaning supplies and carried it back to the cleaning closet.

I went to my room and tidied it a little, I turned around when the door opened. Ms. Green poked her head through,
"Downstairs now!" She ordered sharply, then continued down the hall, I quickly fixed my hair and glanced at myself in the hallway mirror before going down the stairs.

At the bottom I found a group of girls all between the ages of nine and fifteen. I stood next to Sadie as we waited for Ms. Green to come. She finally came with the last couple of girls that fit into the age group, she gave us stern looks and fixed some girls hair before leading us into the living room.

There was a young man standing there, he looked to be in his late twenties, he had brown hair with soft curls and blue eyes. He wore a retro Dave Blaney shirt with wrangler jeans and cowboy boots.

Sadie grabbed my arm in a death grip,
"Thats freaking Ryan blaney!" She whispered, my eyes widened as I stared at him, I thought he looked familiar. We all lined up and watched Ryan slowly go down the line talking with us. I noticed how uncomfortable he looked, I figured he must be under a lot of pressure. Trying to pick a kid to adopt while being stared at by the rest, just another reason why Ms. Green sucks, her system isn't very good.

Sadie fixed her shirt a bit and gave me an excited look as Ryan got closer, I glanced down at my outfit. I had a nascar shirt on with black leggings and socks, my brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail. I watched as Ryan moved over to Sadie and had a conversation. I glanced around the room and noticed Ms. Green taking the kids he'd already talked to out and into the dining room. I was last in line so I'd be left alone with him, I turned my attention back to Ryan and Sadie. They finished up talking and Sadie was led out while Ryan moved to stand in front of me.

"Hi I'm Ryan." He said softly, he held out his hand, I shyly shook hands with him,
"I'm Jessica." I said quietly, I wasn't very good at talking with people I didn't know.
"Hi Jessica, I like your shirt." He gestured to my shirt, I smiled,
"Thanks." I said, he smiled back at me,
"Who's your favourite driver?" He asked,
"Kevin Harvick, then either you or chase Elliott." I explained, I always loved to talk about nascar.
"So you do know who I am, I was wondering if you recognized me." He commented, "Kevin's not bad, Chase is pretty good. Guess your pretty happy with Daytona then." He said, I nodded. "So tell me a little about yourself."

"My names Jessica but most people call me Jess or Jesse, I'm twelve. I love nascar, marvel, and football, a bit of formula one too. I've been here since I was five, my mom died when I was three and my dad died when I was five." I explained, Ryan's face softened and I could see the sympathy in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, that must have sucked." He said sadly, I shrugged, I didn't feel like telling him about my dad.

We talked for a bit before Ms. Green came over and took me out of the room, I went and sat next to Sadie in the dining room. 

Ryan pov:

I sighed with frustration, this was so incredibly stressful. What if I made the wrong decision?
I had enjoyed talking to Jessica there was something about her that clicked with me, the vulnerability and hurt in her eyes made me want to wrap my arms around her and protect her from the cruel world. The more I thought about her the more I could see her in my life.

The way her face lit up while she was talking about nascar, it made me want to take her to the track introduce her to Kevin and Chase. As I thought about it, it started to feel right, I took a breath and nodded at Ms. Green.
"I'm going to adopt Jessica."

Adopted by Ryan BlaneyWhere stories live. Discover now