Chapter 2

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Jessica pov:

I walked down the hall way of the orphanage I lived in, it was a only girl orphanage and I hated it, the lady who ran it, Ms. Green was a wicked witch of a woman. I walked hurriedly down the stairs and into the living room, my friend Sadie was already in there.
"Has it started?" I asked excitedly, I sat down next to her as she shook her head, I focused on the tv. It was the Daytona 500 and I was so excited, we were both glued to the screen as the opening ceremonies started. We made small comments here and there about the drivers but for the most part stayed silent.

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Jessica but people call Jess or Jesse a lot, I'm 12, I've been in the orphanage since I was 5. My mom died when I was 3 and my father abused me until he also died. I'm a massive nascar fan, most importantly a massive Kevin Harvick fan.


"Go go go!" I yelled, as the white flag waved, Sadie and I were both on our feet in excitement, we watched nervously as cars started wrecking on the back stretch. It was a side by side finish between Kevin Harvick and Kyle Busch.

"I think it was Kyle." Sadie said, I shake my head,
"No way it was Kevin." I insisted, we both waited for the official results, I clapped happily as they announced it was Harvick. I happily watched Harvick do his burnouts.


I sat on my bed later that night and pulled out my sketch book, I loved drawing, I mainly loved drawing things that I liked so nascar, marvel, animals, and a tiny bit a Star Wars. I was currently working on a picture of Harvick doing a burnout. I put some Alan Jackson on softly while I sketched, I had long ago given up on ever being adopted. Most people looking to adopt wanted a younger kid, some one cute that they could pick up and cuddle. I wasn't very big for my age but still who wants a almost teenager.

Ryan pov:

I walked into the cafe I had agreed to meet my two sisters at for coffee. I wasn't surprised in the least to find them already there with their heads together talking. I walked over and sat next to them,
"Hi." I greeted them, they turned and smiled at me,
"Morning." Erin said cheerfully, Emma gave me a good look over,
"Did you cut you hair?" She asked, I rolled my eyes and laughed,
"Yeah, how'd you notice?" I asked, she smiled proudly at me,
"It's my job as your big sis." She said, again I rolled my eyes, but my smile widened.

We ordered coffee and started to tell each other about our lives, Erin filled us in on some details of her and Williams dating life, Emma told us about Cale, and her kids.
"And you Ryan?" Erin asked when it turned to me,
"Sturgill and I went for a walk last night." I offered, we all laughed,
"That's so pathetic Ryan." Emma giggled, I sighed,
"I know, I've just kinda taken a break from dating, focusing on driving." I explained, I opened my mouth to mention what Roger had asked me to do, but I hesitated. I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell my sisters, if never hear the end of it, they'd get so excited.
"What?" Emma asked curiously,
"Nothing." I said quickly,
"No no, you were going to say something." Erin said pointing her finger at me,
"Okay yes, but I changed my mind." I admitted,
"Why?" Emma asked, I sighed,
"Cause y'all would over react and get super excited and pressure me into to doing something I'm not sure if I want to do." I explained, I took a sip of my coffee.

"What if we promise not to get to excited or pressure you into something?" Erin asked,
"Still gonna be a no, cause you'd tell mom and dad and I know for sure they'd freak out." I said shaking my head, Erin huffed,
"Please! Pretty please!" Emma begged,
"We will remain calm, not tell mom and dad, and not pressure you." Erin added, i sighed and gave in,
"Fine, Roger Penske called me into his office the other day to ask me if I would consider adopting a kid. I told him he was nuts, but I ended up telling him I'd think about it, he wants me to do it for publicity." I explained.

Erin was practically bouncing up and down in her seat until Emma nudged her and she remembered her promise and calmed down.
"And your seriously considering this?" Emma asked, I nodded,
"Who have you told?" Erin asked,
"Just Bubba and Chase, they both think I should do it." I said, I fiddled with my coffee cup,
"Well I'm not saying this to pressure you or anything, it's completely up to you and I would support either way you go, but if you want my honest opinion I would say you should for sure adopt a kid. I'm not just saying that cause I want to be an auntie, I'm saying it because I think it would do you a world of good." Emma said after thinking about it for a moment, Erin nodded in agreement.

"Thanks, I appreciate the support. I'm gonna think about it some more but just don't tell anyone about this till I make a decision." I told them, they immediately nodded and our conversation turned to other things.

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