Chapter 5

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Ryan pov:

I sat on the couch next to Jessica, we were watching a marvel movie, Antman to be specific. As the credits rolled I glanced over at Jessica, I smiled when I realized she was asleep. I checked the clock and noticed it was past eleven, no wonder she was asleep. I stood up and carefully picked her up, being careful not to wake her I made my way upstairs and into her room, I lay her on the bed gently and carefully covered her with the blankets.

I stood by the door for a couple minutes watching her. She looked so peaceful and innocent, her curls framing her face. I smiled before closing the door and walking to my own room. I grabbed the folder Ms. Green had given me, it was Jessica's file.

I climbed into bed and started reading through it. I felt sick to my stomach as I read through the police report of her fathers death.

Eric Barnes was found dead by neighbours in his home. Barnes 5 year old daughter Jessica Barnes, was horribly beaten and unconscious. The investigators report states that Barnes had shot himself in the head after severely beating his daughter. Jessica Barnes will be placed in an girl's orphanage since her mother Grace Barnes died in a car crash two years before.

I stared down at the file in shock, I couldn't even begin to imagine what Jessica has gone through. I finished reading her file before putting it away and turning the light off. I tossed and turned all night, all I could think about was Jessica getting beaten, MY child getting beaten.


I was making pancakes the next morning when I heard the front door open.
"The party has arrived!" I smiled at the familiar Georgian drawl,
"Morning Chase."
"Ooohh pancakes! Man I have great timing." He said as he walked into the kitchen,
"What are your plans for today?" I asked as he sat down at the island, he shrugged,
"Dunno, I thought about golfing or going flying but I'm not sure. The more important question is, where is she?" He asked leaning forwards, I laughed,
"Upstairs, I think she's still sleeping."

After talking to chase for a bit while I cooked, I made my way upstairs and down the hallway to  Jessica's room. I slowly opened the door and smiled when I saw her peacefully sleeping. I silently walked into the room and sat down on the bed next to her.
"Jess." I said softly while gently shaking her awake, she groaned and buried her face into the pillows. "Good morning, I have breakfast ready downstairs." I told her, all she did was pull the blankets over her head. I laughed, "so your obviously not a morning person."
"It's too early." She mumbled, I glanced at the clock on her night stand,
"It's already ten." I chuckled.

She groaned and sat up, "fine, I'm up."
"Good, breakfast is ready downstairs and heads up Chase Elliott's also downstairs." I smirked as her eyes just about popped out of her head.
"He's WHAT?!?" She asked in shock.
"He's downstairs." I said laughing as I walked out.

I was still chuckling when I walked back into the kitchen,
"What?" Chase asked curiously,
"She's not a morning person, that's for sure." I commented while grabbing some plates from the cupboards.

Jessica pov:

I nervously walked down the stairs, I could hear Ryan and Chase talking in the kitchen. I patted Sturgill before taking a breath and walking into the kitchen. Ryan smiled at me as I hopped up onto a stool at the island, I glanced at the man next to me and saw he was also smiling at me. I smiled back, he offered his hand,
"Chase Elliott." He said, my smile grew at the sound of his Georgian accent, I seriously could not believe this was happening.
"Jessica, but I prefer Jess." I said shaking his hand.

Ryan set a plate of food in front of both of us and then grabbed himself a plate.
"So what's the plan for today?" He asked, I didn't answer, to busy stuffing my face with food. When no one said anything I finally looked up, I found both men looking at me.
"Are you asking me?" I asked once I was finished chewing, Ryan nodded, "oh well I don't know?" I said before taking another bite.

"Why don't you give her some options." Chase suggested, Ryan nodded and thought for a moment,
"We could stay home and find something to do here, we could go shopping for your room and clothes and stuff, or we could go to my parents place." Ryan listed off.
"Shopping sounds fun." I said, "so does meeting your family." I was a little nervous but at the same time I craved the thought of actually having a family.
"We can do both." Ryan said, "chase you joining us?" He asked, Chase nodded.

I grinned excitedly, I don't completely trust Ryan yet, but I could feel myself starting to trust him more. I could see myself being happy here, with Ryan. I feel like there is a chance I can move on past my trauma from the past.

Adopted by Ryan BlaneyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant