Chapter 5 - Dumbledore's Office

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Snape didn't want to carry them the whole way to Dumbledore's office so he cast some kind of spell that held them upside down in the air by their ankles. Seemed a little harsh but it was Snape after all. It wouldn't have been so bad if only he didn't purposefully smack their heads against every stair of the swiveling staircase.

The two of them were shoved into the office unceremoniously and they collapsed pathetically on the ground. Ron's face was pale and he was shaking a lot. Harry was fine because he was obviously the protagonist and he didn't give a f***!

"Do you two have any idea what you have done?" Snape asked sternly, obviously wanting to expel them so, so bad. Well, that wasn't happening.

"We flew ourselves to school?" Ron asked.

"Oh! And we destroyed the whomping willow." Harry added.

Snape looked like he wanted to expel them even more.

"You just don't get it, do you? You were seen by no less than 18 muggles! In a flying jet! You should be in Azkaban for breaking the statute of secrecy." Snape seemed to relish every word and a greasy smile stretched across his face.

"Well the barrier closed and also jets normally-" Harry started to explain.

"Normally fly? Don't make me laugh, Potter." Snape didn't look like he had ever laughed in his life so Harry wasn't worried about that, " You two stay here while I get the headmaster. Enjoy your last precious minutes in this school while you can." Snape slithered out of the room, literally slithered; it was weird.

"Harry, why did you say that?! Do you want us to get expelled?!" Ron cried.

"You just don't get it, do you?" Harry leveled a protagonist stare at his friend. "We can't get expelled, and we are too young to go to Azkaban, whatever that is." That might be important later ;)

Dumbledore swept into the room, slamming the door open, robes billowing in the imaginary wind. "HARRY, DID YOU DRIVE A JET INTO THE WHOMPING WILLOW?" he asked calmly.

"Yes, professor, I did."

"Right. 15 points to Gryffindor!" He pulled out a notebook and started to scribble some things down.

"Erm, Professor?" Harry wanted to go to the Gryffindor tower where they were no doubt having an epic party for them.

"Hm?" he didn't even look up from his notebook. "Oh, this? Don't worry about it, young Harry! I'm just working on my book! Toodledo!"

They ran to the Gryffindor Tower, passing Snape on the way.

"Well?" he arched a slimy brow at them. "Leaving Hogwarts?"

"Nope! He gave us 15 points! Bye!" They ran past, ignoring the yell and the large explosion behind them.

Harry didn't want to tell Ron "I told you so," well actually he did but he didn't want to ruin the moment. They arrived at the portrait hole but nobody told them the password and the Fat Lady was waiting.

"Er... Slytherin Sucks?" Harry tried.

"Nope, that was last year." She shrugged.

"Gryffindor Rocks?" Ron suggested but the Fat Lady just shrugged again. Harry and Ron discussed their options for a minute before finally deciding on what password they would try next.

"Harry and Ron blew up the Whomping Willow, that's awesome!" They said together. The portrait swung open and revealed a massive party, just as Harry expected. Fred and George were cheering their names and even Hermione looked like she was having a good time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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