Chapter 1 - Dobby is a Creature

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The Durlseys were being their usual selves, which for Harry was very bad. After returning from Hogwarts, the magic school where he had defeated his greatest enemy for the second time, his guardians immediately seized all of his possessions and locked them up tight. Like normal parents would do. Luckily he was able to convince them that he needed to keep his owl, Hedge, in his room so she could go out and get food. They would've locked her away otherwise.

At first, Hedge was a little cold towards Harry and was very bristly. This might have been because he had accidentally ignored her the entire school year.

"It was a very hectic year, Hedge," Harry tried to reason. "We had to defeat Voldemort and everything."

Harry ended up sharing half of his food rations to get her to forgive him. It wasn't like he was missing out on much since it was mostly random vegetables from the freezer and cold canned food that was pushed to him from under the catflap. Oh yeah, the Dursleys installed a catflap in Harry's room and added like 5 locks from the outside. Totally normal. The room used to be Dudley's but after Harry asked him to use the "magic word" one day they all had a panic attack and hoped giving him the bedroom would stop him from using such horrible language.

Today was Harry's 12th birthday but nobody seemed to care. Obviously the Dursleys wouldn't but he had hoped his friends would send him letters or something. In fact, he hasn't heard a thing from his friends since school ended and summer was nearly over! He didn't want to think about it too much, because he might start crying or something and the Dursley's told him to go into his room and pretend he doesn't exist because Uncle Vernon was trying to impress some rich guy over dinner to buy his drills or whatever. They threatened to kill him if they heard any sounds and Harry didn't want to call their bluff this time (not that they could kill him since he was the chosen one, but still).

Harry sighed and looked outside, but jumped back when he was met by a pair of eyes! What the #$^@?! This was the second floor! The window slammed open and a creature came into his room! It was like a naked monkey except more gross maybe. Its ears were really large, and its eyes were like actual orbs.

Harry turned to Hedge. "Is this guy your friend or something?" This was apparently the wrong thing to say because Hedge started to swoop at Harry and the creature with alarming bloodlust.

Harry quickly apologized and hurriedly shushed Hedge. If the Dursleys were to come in he didn't even know what would happen.

Harry noticed that the creature was wearing only a dirty old pillow case as clothes and it was covered in bumps and bruises. Yikes. It just stared at him for a moment before Harry decided to break the ice.

"Er... Hello there?" He said. The creature burst into tears.

"D-Dobby has never been gr-greeted before. Harry P-Potter really is the B-BWL!" The creature that was apparently named Dobby choked out. Harry immediately tried to shush him but when that didn't work he instead just offered for Dobby to take a seat on his bed. That was a mistake because Dobby just started to cry LOUDER and sprint around his room maniacally. That set off Hedge and she started swooping at them again aggressively. Harry had to grab Dobby and hold him for what felt like several minutes to calm him down.

"Dobby! Calm down or the Dursley's will hear you and we will both be in trouble!" Harry whispered in his humongous ear and Dobby finally was chill enough to talk.

"Sorry sir. Dobby has never met someone so nice as Harry Potter! Dobby is a house elf, see, and house elves get nothing but beatings, sir!" Dobby said cheerfully before punching himself in the face multiple times. Um okay?

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