Chapter 3 - Evil Alley?

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Staying at the Weasley's was wicked. They got to eat 3 meals a day, play quidditch outside, and they even got to sleep in a room! Ron seemed pretty bashful about his room on the first night, but Harry was quick to assure him that it was wicked cool, even if he was a Chudley Cannons fan. Harry didn't actually know any other quidditch teams, he just knew they were bad. His scar told him.

Harry had learned that it was in his best interest to avoid the youngest Weasley child, Ginny. Whenever she saw him, something bad would happen. A week after Harry arrived at the Burrow, she spotted him and sprinted back towards her room. Unfortunately a window got in the way and she dove straight through the glass. She also ran right through a wall in embarrassment, which made Harry even more glad that magic could fix broken objects. After three explosions he started hiding from her all together.

A few days before school was set to begin again, a few owls crashed into the house with letters containing everybody's school lists. By a few, I mean a hundred because there was one for every single Weasley clone. Harry resisted the urge to ask Hedge if she knew any of them.

"Blimey, we are going to be on the streets with all these supplies on the list!" The Weasley who looked like Fred said. Ms Weasley slapped his head with a letter for it.

Harry looked down at his own list and noticed that a lot of books by some bloke named Lockshart. There was for some reason a book called "How to Survive Hogwarts, a 1000000 Step Guide, and Its Not a Scam, You Have to Buy it for Class" ...what?

"Alright, well I suppose its time for all of us to head off!" Ms Weasley dragged Harry out of his seat and to the Weasley sitting room, where they all lined up in front of the fireplace.

"Mum. Harry's never used the floo before!" Ron interjected.

"Oh my. Well, Harry, dear, you can go first." Harry had no idea what they were talking about but he did not want to have the flu, thanks. Before he could say this, however, Ms Weasley shoved a pile of ashes? Into his hand for some reason?

"Now all you have to do is throw the floo powder down and say 'Diagon Alley' and you will find yourself there." Harry didn't really see how that was possible but he would try it anyway. He stepped into the flames and immediately caught on fire.

"WAIT! Throw the powder first dear, oh my. Arthur put him out!" Mrs Weasley yelled and Mr Weasley cast a spell that pulled Harry from the fire and extinguished his burning clothes. Um.

"Maybe I shouldn't go first..." Harry said, patting the soot off himself.

"Nonsense dear, you'll figure it out!" Mrs Weasley insisted and waved back at the fireplace.

Okay then...Harry threw the powder down and stepped in, quickly yelling "FJAB@&$^@%T&BFJ!" How did he do that?

Everything turned green and he was suddenly being shot through at high speeds, flying out onto a floor, soot flying everywhere. Harry groaned as he sat up and tried to rub the soot out of his face, looking around. To be completely honest, he had no idea where he was. I don't really know either, it's too dark and dusty. Harry waited for his eyes to adjust and realized he was in a shop of some kind, except this shop was filled with a bunch of torture devices?! Uh oh.

He was about to try to find an exit when a living barbie doll walked inside. He shrunk back into the fireplace he shot out of and realized it was actually just a man and a kid. Wait a minute, that kid... was Draco! Another man appeared from a back room of the store and greeted them.

Harry would like to give them the benefit of the doubt, but he knew that they were just up to no good. Also, this was a shop full of torture devices. And outside of the window was a sign that said 'Evil Alley' which was just a dead give away. Also the barbie doll man had a snake cane which was also evil. Definitely up to no good.

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