Chapter Twelve: On The Spot

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It was driving you crazy knowing you were upsetting Gaara but with no actual way to solve the problem. He was sensing something you had no control over, and he was distancing himself because it was stressing him out, but it still hurt a bit.

Needless to say, you had to find out what he was feeling, even if it wasn't any sort of tailed demon like he explained.

"I'm sure you all heard about Kakashi." The substitute teacher solemnized, "He'll be back soon, but I'll have to take over in the meantime."

At least it wasn't Kakashi in the class, but the new teacher's dead eyes were enough to make your skin crawl when you looked into them.

"I'm Captain Yamato, just call me Yamato." When he grinned, you felt the need to look down to your desk.
He seemed relatively normal, but the blank eyes he stared into the class which was...

"Creepy..." Naruto shuttered beside you, finishing your exact idea as though he read your thoughts.
"Don't be so rude," Sasuke hushed from the row behind the blond before Yamato heard him.

Rather than taking him seriously, Naruto simply grinned, crossing his arms on his desk as calm as ever.

It would be so easy to pretend you didn't know him if those eyes were suddenly in front of you for poking at Yamato's appearance, you wouldn't go down with him if he was heard.

On your other side was Shino, quiet and content, keeping silent through the entire ordeal, but his eyebrows were furrowed in thought with his hands clasped in front of his face.
You could only wonder what he was thinking about.

As curious as you were, you weren't in the habit of interrupting someone that was obviously not interested in talking at the moment and changed your focus on scanning the classroom.
Neji's familiar face in the back, along with Ino sitting beside Shikamaru and Choji, but the three were whispering amongst themselves, paying as much attention as you were.

The moment Yamato turned around to write on the board, a nudge to your side brought your focus back to Shino.

"You look lost," His dark shades shimmered from the sunlight through the windows. "Moreso than the last we spoke. Is everything alright?"

Where did you even begin?
It would've been so easy to dump everything on the unsuspecting boy right then but offering his support didn't mean he was suddenly agreeing to be your therapist.
With a sigh, you leaned over your desk,
"Which part? There's been so much going on. I just want to sleep forever sometimes."

Rather than speaking, you felt Shino's hand placed upon your shoulder gently in a calm attempt to comfort you. While it didn't actually do much, it did help you feel a bit better. He wasn't quite good at talking, was he?

With each class, it became easier to simply forget everything. Iruka's complicated problems faded into the back of your mind, and the feeling of the bow in Jiraya's class nearly took you to another world.

As you released the arrow from your hold, it shot through the air, slicing the air in its wake before stabbing into the target across from you.
While not a bullseye, at least you hit the target at all.
Some students were not having as great of luck.

"Nice job!" Jiraya's voice behind you shocked you out of your trance and you turned around to a wide grin. "You've been getting better. Kasai didn't teach target practice, did they? You're picking it up fast!"

"Thank... You?"
Raising an eyebrow, you scanned the teacher up and down. Nobody gave such compliments without wanting something or bringing up bad news next.
And knowing your luck, it was a fifty-fifty gamble on either one.

The teacher cleared his throat and reached into his jacket only to pull out a folded up paper,
"Now (Y/N), I know you've been going through a lot so perhaps you'll consider the upcoming festival?"

As he unfolded it and help the flyer out, you took it only to see it being an announcement for an upcoming event in town.
Why was this the first time you were hearing of this?
Actually... Staying held up within the sibling's apartment could've contributed.

"What is it for?" You finally asked and looked back to Jiraya.
"The spring greetings," The teacher chuckled, "Most of the town is going to be a part of it. Selling flowers, expensive dates, the school is going to have a dance too. Maybe it could help take your mind off everything."
Jiraya's voice dripped in hopeful optimism, it was hard to say no right then.
Not only that, it did sound a bit fun.

Light My Fire ((Kankuro X Reader))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant