Chapter Two: Sand Brothers

Start from the beginning

It didn't matter at that moment, all you knew is you heard a horrible scream and it was your job as a ninja in training to protect the innocent.
The trees spread out into a clearing, and you abruptly stopped, almost falling over, when you saw the sight in front of you.
The slender girl was on the ground, appearing unharmed but unconscious. Her eyes were closed, her lips parted ever so slightly, almost like she was in a troubled sleep.
But the more pressing matter was the other people, specifically, two boys in perfect view. One of them, hovering over her with a blank expression. He released a dangerous aura and as he rose his gaze, your eyes locked onto the sea-foamed green ones circled with the thickest eye bags you'd ever seen.
His fire-red hair didn't calm your nerves any better, and the way he carried a massive gourd on his back told you enough that he could mean trouble.

"What?" His voice was just as empty as his grimace, and he spoke like he wasn't aware anything was wrong.
"What did you do? Get away from her!" You held up your fists in defense, only hoping he didn't catch onto your bluff. You only knew basic fighting, you weren't that experienced yet.
"Must I? She has something I require."
"I don't want to fight you."
Did he catch onto how nervous you were? And where was everyone else?
"Then don't."
"It's rude to threaten people and not even introduce yourself." The second boy crossed his arms with a smug grin.
He almost looked like a doll with the way his face paint and hood perfectly aligned his face. "Gaara, what do you think?" He looked to the redhead, but he didn't reply. His gaze seemed more locked on Sakura than anything else.
"It's rude to attack and rob people out of the blue too," You only knew a few Jitsu, though not very powerful. Something should be enough to turn them away at least. Or well, hold them off until the others arrive perhaps.

"Fire Style!" You put your hands together to create the signs needed. "Fire Cat Jitsu!"
With a deep inhale, you released a gush of fire that took the form of a large wild cat, pelt melting in flames. The cat roared, inching closer to the boys.
"Terrifying," The boy yet to speak his name chuckled. "What's he gonna do, burn me?"
The remarks... So self-righteous, like they were looking down to you. Why did that piss you off so much? You were trying your best!
"So you're using this against us?" Gaara examined the large cat before sighing, drooping his shoulders. "A useless waste of time."
As he raised his hand, floating sand spread around him before taking the form of sharp spikes. It was like he had made the sand himself. Where did it come from?

He shot them out, and without thinking, you turned away, shielding your face from the attack but no attack ever came.
Allowing a second to pass, you finally turned back to see your fire cat melting to the floor with the sand spikes lodged in it.
"We're too busy for this. She's waiting for us." He looked to the boy, then back to you. "We'll finish this later. You're not worth the kill."
With that, he jumped into the trees, vanishing from sight.
Almost as soon as he was gone, the second boy exhaled the heaviest breath he probably could have mustered.
"Really thought you guys were going to get into it right there." He grinned, almost like he just dropped all intimidation in an instant. "I'm Kankuro, that was my brother."
What... What was happening?
"Nice cat, by the way." Kankuro gestured to his hood, the ears shaped similar to a cat's. "I like em too."

You had to... Take a step back. Why was he suddenly being friendly?
Probably sensing your growing fear, the boy relaxed.
"You're not from the leaf village." He gestured to your headband. "Well, that makes things easier. You don't have to worry about us. I have to, you know, keep up appearances in front of my brother." He whispered and pointed back towards the trees Gaara ran into before awkwardly chuckling. "Anyway, you're not bad-looking, do you think we can see each other again?"
What sort of question was that?! Sure he wasn't horrible looking either but these guys knocked out your new friend and threatened you! Their personalities didn't do them any justice.
"Why would we-"
"Come along." Gaara's voice echoed from the trees not far off. You could only barely make out his shape waiting in the branches. "I'll leave you behind if you want to stay here and talk."
With a groan, Kankuro turned around and jumped into the branches, following his brother to... Wherever they were going.
What was that about?
Once they were gone, you hurried to Sakura's side and gently shook her. She didn't have any noticeable injuries but there could have been something internal and out of sight. You had to be careful, but you didn't know a thing about medicine.
When she didn't respond, you shook her once more, and her eyes finally fluttered open and revealed her dazed eyes.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
"I don't... I don't remember." She groaned, holding a hand to the back of her head as she sat up.
It must have been a cranial blow, you quickly hoped it wasn't a concussion.
"Sand ninjas." Kakashi's voice sounded behind you. As you looked back, the rest of the team emerged from the trees.
Fashionably late?
Of course, they'd show up after the enemy was gone.
"What are they doing around here?" Sasuke's gaze appeared neither here nor there. He wasn't looking at anything, really.
"No idea." Kakashi narrowed his eyes. "Another thing to report to the Hokage. We're putting the current mission on hold and taking Sakura to the hospital. This sounds like something we'll need scouts and border patrol for. Come along."

"You found her in the forest? That's odd." The Hokage muttered to Kakashi-Sensei, her blonde hair brushing along her face.
He placed a hand on his hip. "Yes. Apparently, the Hidden Kasai Village has burned down."
You shook your head clear away the memory and fixed a smile. "I'm (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you." You bowed down which made the Hokage smile.
"You know your manners. Well, if you are to live here as we sort out the issue and check out the damage, we must assess your skills and place you in the proper group. The exams are coming soon and we don't have time for messing around. Kakashi, I entrust you to this task and report the results back to me."
The sensei nodded. "Of course. I'll do it right away. And as for the other matter?"
"The sand ninjas." She continued. "You're right, I'll issue a need higher patrol. They attacked one of our own students, we can't let that go unpunished."
She was right, and yet... That Kankuro guy didn't seem horrible. What could they be after that was enough to warrant attacking Sakura?
"Sounds like a plan." Kakashi looked back to you. "Come along (Y/N)." He pushed you out the door and shut it behind him. "Testing your chakra level is first."

Kakashi sighed. "Again."
You had been trying to make a simple chakra ball for what felt like hours now and it kept fizzling out. You focused again and felt your hands warm up as red chakra grew and formed. It was as big as a basketball and you smiled as wide as you could when it was sturdy. Finally, all this exhausting work was getting somewhere!
Kakashi seemed impressed too with the way he looked to be smiling behind his mask.
Fizzle. You grumbled and turned to whoever disrupted you. It was Naruto, running into the clearing quickly as he waved his hands. You sighed and let your anger melt away. You couldn't let yourself be mad at a new friend, especially if it was important. You... Owed it to your late best friend.

"Hello, Naruto."
The blonde jumped over the fence to the training ground and ran up to the Sensei without so much as a care to what you both had been working on the whole time.
"Sakura is awake." He grinned at his own news.
When you had arrived at the village, Sakura had still been out of it and the boys had taken her to the hospital. It hasn't been even a day since she was attacked but if she was already awake, maybe it wasn't as bad as you first thought.
Kakashi nodded and turned to you. "(Y/n). Keep practicing by yourself for a little while. I'll be back."
He and Naruto left you alone as they left the training grounds.
You sighed and looked around. It was pretty good scenery. There were a few cherry blossom trees and the grass around you was luscious spring green. You inhaled a soft breath and sat down against a tree. Why would you have to work if there was nobody to spectate you anyway? This was a good place to release all your built-in tensions.

A pink blossom petal floated down across your sight, urging you to look up. Pink petals were floating around in the warm air. You remembered how your village used to have a place just like this. You had loved lounging in a patch of fire Lilies and watch the clouds.
A shadow loomed over you suddenly and you shot your gaze to yet another stranger.

It was a peculiar boy with a long trench coat and glasses hiding his eyes from view. His brown hair was spiked, but just in general, he looked more like a mad scientist. His arms were crossed and he looked down on you. "(Y/n). Ninja of the recently destroyed Village of Kasai. I am Shino." He held a hand out to you. You shook his hand slowly, noticing a few beetles crawled over your hand. Without thinking, you shook them off and tried to smile. This guy... Must have been into bugs? It was weird how this 'Shino' knew about you but you ignored that strange fact. There was a chance he overheard some of the talks. "Hi. Yeah. That's me."

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