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Why..why would he even do something like that? I..I'm overthinking! That's it im just overthinking. A 11 year old has no way to kill 2 kids. Okay..No more overthinking micheal.


I made it home and to no surprise that fucking crybaby just starts crying when I walk through the damn door. And of course..




..Okay I didn't do anything though. I just went straight to my room stomping up my stairs and slamming my door. I know im gonna pay for it but I couldn't give 5 fucks. I'm terribly used to it. Its just a ruler hitting my hands. I swear it's not...bad. it dosnet hurt like "WAAAA" no its not that bad. Its just ow.  I put my bookbag on the floor dropping it with a loud thud. That made my brother cry even LOUDER. Can he shut up for 7 fucking decades? I swear. I un zipped my bookbag and searched while throwing everything everywhere on my floor.

I think I lost my phone..or it's in the bottom of my bookbag because I can see it buzzing..or hear. So I ended up dumping EVERYTHING out of my bookbag---

---it was kinda messy.. So I took my phone and laid on my bed still thinking about what happened. I was really concerned on why he would smile. What if he likes me..and he killed them because he knew they both liked me?..I think thats why..but it could just be me overthinking the situation and needing to shut the fuck up.

I got up out of my bed. I went downstairs because I was hungry of course.. So I made some cereal and ate it, washed the dishes, and dried them and put them up. As soon as im going upstairs both of my siblings start to cry. I miss being an only child..

So because of their fucking loud ass mouths I got my phone taken and im on punishment!  Come on!! So I have to stay downstairs and watch my siblings and do all the chores. Fuck this house!


I'm taking a walk around my neighborhood happy about Paisley and that stupid girl being dead. Killing them was so satisfying. It was like all your problems flying away and you have nothing else to worry about.

I got myself an icecream and then sat on a bench alone. I was so happy. My parents don't care about me or where I go. I don't care about them either or where I go. They basically neglect me and my needs. but its not a problem because I take care of and raise myself.
My parents are a bunch of assholes. But..thats fine with me. Eventually they would die to. So I'm okay with them annoying me! My dad sometimes hit me with beer bottles because he's drunk as fuck. They don't hurt. It's like tripping on concrete and hurting your knee by accident. My mom tells him to stop but she does it to. Its just as long as they don't hurt my younger siblings.

I finished my icecream and walked to a museum..

After that it was dark outside but I couldn't give a fuck. I sat in a alleyway hoping to get shot or kidnapped or some shit. It started raining so I buried my head into my knees and fell asleep..

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