Even though Marcellus sticks his tongue out, he steps aside for Darlington. Then, Darlington walks in, and they all enter the staff lounge.

It's not all that special, really. Callie used construction paper and some of her own supplies to put up make a paper Christmas tree which is on the wall. It's made of sheets and sheets of green paper strips, poking off the wall the way a real pine tree might look. With her extra time, she cut up some more paper into the shape of bulbs for people to decorate. Eleven total, one for each of them to hang on the tree. Along a table at the back, the table they use for flip cups and other drinking games, the bulbs await them as well as the gingerbread houses Tempest kept away from them. A paper wreath is on the back of the lounge door and Moonie hung up paper mistletoe. Sparkles adorn the paper snowflakes on the wall, courtesy of Darlington. He has the paper cuts and bags under his eyes to prove it. Tempest thinks it isn't much, but it is enough.

"You guys blow me away!" Maverick says, admiring it all. The textures of the shining snowflakes draw his eye. He looks between them all, beaming.

Elodie has a soft smile on her face. She remembers the cookies she made for Santa and the milk her father stole. Never did she judge him for it, but seeing this she really understands it now. At least, she understands the magic he was trying to bring her, even if the risk seemed high.

Jerry, Benedict, and Marcellus share a nod, and they sneak out of the room while the others gather around. Then, Galilee whispers to Maverick. His eyes light up.

Elodie slips out of the room, beginning to make hot chocolate. Things seem to be going well enough that she isn't tempted to spike hers. Even Darlington seems like she can leave it alone.

With the Polly costume on, Maverick insists they all take pictures with him as if he is Santa Claus. If anyone finds out he will be in deep trouble since he technically isn't supposed to take the costume outside of the Athletic Unit's storage, but he isn't supposed to be here anyway. Before Galilee can snap the first picture of Galilee and Maverick, the three-man band returns.

"Trying to show us up, are you?" Callie smiles, staring at them all from her spot.

She and Tempest have teamed up to make a gingerbread house, which would be going better if they had Marcellus on their team. Both Callie and Tempest are slow and steady decorators, dedicated to their craft. At least, they will be once they manage to get the thing to stand up.

Benedict, Marcellus, and Jerry all shrug. Jerry counts them in. He can sing, surprisingly, but that's not the point. Marcellus joins in, and so does Benedict, begrudgingly. Christmas carols, whose chords they've managed to scrap together through trial and error, late nights in the stairwells so the others can't hear. At least if it sounds good enough, they can do a sing-along.

"Jerry can sing," Ro says, to not really anyone but herself.

He looks at her, somehow hearing her despite his bucket drums, and he raises an eyebrow at her. She returns a gesture, with a smirk on her face.

Maverick stands up so quickly he almost knocks Moonie on the floor. Instinctively, Ro dives and catches them. When Moonie looks up at her, wide-eyed and blinking, Ro rolls her eyes and drops Moonie.

Soon enough, Maverick is out of the suit. Elodie walks in the door just as Maverick scoops up Moonie with one hand and Galilee with the other. Even though Galilee tries to back out, Maverick pulls her in, forcing them to dance with him. They rock together, Galilee bopping slightly and looking to Callie for help, who just giggles.

Elodie drops the hot chocolate off on the back table. She grabs Tempest's hand, and says for the second time this break, "if I'm dancing, so are you."

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