A P P L Y - C L O S E D

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Am I vague? Less so than usual, but still. I wouldn't blame you if you were confused. Anyway, I am really digging stories about college students. They are an untapped market, and I intend to exploit that. This is going to be fun, I promise. Only a little devastating.

Basically, here is the premise! The RAs have to stay for 24 hours after the last exam to make sure every student has left the building, and by the time they are all getting ready to leave, the storm hits their university town in the upper peninsula of Michigan. They might be stuck there for the entirety of the winter break, so that sucks for them.

I'll be accepting somewhere around eight characters. I always say fewer and then accept way more than I wanted to accept.

 I always say fewer and then accept way more than I wanted to accept

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| If you have any questions, feel free to ask me. My inbox is open and I try to answer as soon as possible.

| You'll be more likely to be selected if you are unique from other applicants. This applies to genders, personalities, MAJORS, etc. Backstories and personalities are important too. 

| Whatever you think about RAs from personal experience, think again! They can be just as big of party animals, or just as stupid, or all that stuff, as any student. So, just make your OC like you would any other college student.

| Please be detailed. The more detail the better. Seriously. I love reading long applications so it's you don't have to worry about being too long (within reason, because if it is as long as the Tempest I will not read it).

| If I'm not writing your character properly, please let me know. I try really hard but I definitely have made mistakes. I won't take it personally. Also, I might need to ask you a question and if you don't answer I'm making decisions on my own! The password is your favourite winter activity.

| Applications are due October 14! Let me know if you need an extension. I might change the due date, but I've made it shorter because I always reduce it. I'm flexible, but that's the general rule.


NAME: (full, with middle if you so desire)



AGE: (19-22 (even if freshly 19))




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