Dispersed Memories

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"I'm afraid that if I walk out that door, I don't know when I'll see you again" She choked out, her tears threatening to climb up her throat, letting one fall from her cheek that the sickened Italian wiped away.

"Hey, no crying" Carina whispered back, her forehead resting against Maya's temple as she soon felt those savouring lips pressing against her forehead.

The moment stilled, Maya's hand caressing over Carina's blanket covered arms, comforting the brunette as the friction of her hand regained heat in Carina's body.

She shouldn't be this close, she shouldn't be in Maya's embracing arms. She didn't want to just fall back, to take back everything she had just said about being pulled around, she needed it to stick in Maya's head that she needed space...but her pulsing headache and nauseous stomach craved the blondes attention, it craved her wifes touch, her hold, her warmth.

Being in Maya's arms didn't feel foreign, it didn't feel empty like the feeling of sleeping in a hotel bed was, she felt fulfilled. The reason her hotel bed felt empty, was because she was missing the gracious hold of her wife, the oceanic warmth of her eyes as they gleamed a smile at each other before falling asleep in one another's arms.

She missed it, she missed tucking a golden strand from Maya's face, tucking it behind her ear so she could fixate her eyes on the firefighters' features, she missed how Maya would light up her day with just a smile, a smile that seemed like it had been decades since she last saw it. She missed her wife.

"Do you want to lie down? It will warm you up" Maya questioned, her face moving to hover in front of her wifes, seeing as her eyes were closed, not from sleep, but from the embrace. She was absorbing this bubble that they found themselves in. This hotel room was their bubble, it felt unpoppable when they shared a radiating heat.

"I'm not sure my stomach will agree with me standing up" She mumbled, her cheek pressing into Maya's neck. Her fragrance brought her to a place of comfort. She missed having that scent flowing around her, hugging the blondes pillow when she was on shift to just smell that comfort, to remind her that her wife was still there somewhere, even if it felt like they were in the depths of downfall.

"I'll get you a sick bucket for next to the bed" Maya offered, swallowing back the stifling nerves that still traced around her body. The same nerves that caused her to undercook a lasagne for her wife. She didn't feel like shadowing in guilt, in fact she didn't have time to. She was engrossed in caring for the Italian, to wrap her in a blanket and make sure she obtained fluids. "Come here" Maya sat back slightly, pulling away but keeping her gentle hands on Carina's.

"Maya" She exhaustingly managed to let out, her head swaying back and the paleness in her cheeks causing the blonde to twist her face in sympathy pain. "I'm gonna-" Before she could finish her sentence, the projectile vomit into the toilet finished it for her. Her stomach no longer had any contents, meaning she was turning up stomach acid left right and centre, leaving her with a horrible taste in her mouth.

Maya kept her hand on the Italians back, stroking the length of her spine as she pulled a strand of Carina's hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. A thin layer of sweat was forming on Carina's forehead, causing her baby hairs to stick from the cold sweat that her sickness was now succumbing to.

"Hold on, I'll be right back"

"Wait, no don't go" Carina pleaded, her head trying desperately to stay up from leaning against the toilet bowl. Finding herself pleading for Maya to stay was not what she had planned for her day, but to be fair, she didn't plan on getting food poisoning either. Although she wanted her words to mean something, she couldn't help but want the feeling of her wife, the vicinity between them to be close as she powered through this sickness with Maya by her side.

Dispersed Memories {Marina One-Shot}Where stories live. Discover now