Elias Pettersson

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what Elias Pettersson is like in bed:

- Petey regularly chugs respect women juice

- he'll take you out and wine and dine you

- maybe kiss you goodnight

- you have to actively invite him to make the next move

- he'd be so surprised when you take the lead and like sit on his lap

- he thinks oh okay cool we can do that and places his hands on your hips because he wants to touch but needs confirmation

- so when you deepen the kiss and swallow his moans and maybe grind down a little he lets his hands wander down a bit

- he'd love to take it slow because he doesn't want to pressure you but if you want to take things faster he's so on board

- i bet he'sa giant sweet talker

- complementing you left and right and he actually means it and doesn't just want to get into your pants

- he likes to let his hands roam a lot

- really into body worship

- like holy shit he just wants to make you feel good in any way possible

- probably a giant tease because of that

- will make you wait because he has to finish kissing and touching you all over before he can fuck you

- throughoutly enjoys giving oral

- like look at him and tell me he doesn't spent hours between your legs

- he'd be very soft and slow in the beginning

- both of you won't quite know what the other is into

- even if you talked about everything beforehand

- he'd be so nice about everything

- open to experiment with your kinks

- he gets you all kinds of nice gifts anyway so he might as well add underwear and toys to that

- Petey is very into trying new positions all the time

- but he still prefers the ones were you can look each other in the eyes

- he'd pay a lot of attention to you and always makes sure you come several times

- and afterwards he'll draw you a bath or just clean the two of you up

- definitely makes breakfast in the morning

- super sweet if you're sore he just wants to take care of you

his dick:

- big

- Elias is packing

- come on

- nobody is that sweet and has a small penis it's impossible

the experience:


originally published: 10th november 2019

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