Quinn Hughes

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what Quinn Hughes is like in bed

- Quinn is so fucking soft

- most of the time he just wants to cuddle

- brags about your sex life to his friends and brothers

- but let's be real the most you've done was missionary with the light on

- has a sex playlist

- probably wanted to be a romantic the first time you had sex and lit some candles and accidentally burned a hole into his duvet

- asks his mom to buy him condoms

- loves to touch you

- you could just be laying down on his bed chilling and he's running his hands up and down your back and just maybe touches your butt from time to time

- he's such a sucker for blowjobs

- but he has a hard time judging how hard he's pulling your hair so beware

- he's as quiet as a mouse though

- because chances are that somebody is in the house

- that's just how families work, you learn to be quiet when getting off or you don't get off

- sometimes you can get him to gasp or make those throaty little moans and it's fantastic

- he's not.... super amazing at eating you out but he's enthusiastic and his hair is soft so it's okay

- loves to kiss your thighs and your stomach

- generally sweet

- and vanilla

- like, no sex toys involved

- when he discovers condoms that aren't normal plain ones he wants to try them

- like, flavored, extra ribbed for your pleasure, once tried glow in the dark ones

- there's was more laughing than fucking

- overall very into getting you off

his dick:

- he's h u n g

the experience:


originally published: 12th october 2018

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