Connor McDavid

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what Connor McDavid is like in bed:

- Connor McJesus is a gosh darn pull out your chair bring you roses surprise you with small inexpensive but super meaningful gift kind of gentleman

- slowly making out is his favorite

- it took ages until you go further

- he probably asks Strome for advice

- goes down on you but is a bit clumsy

- when you blow him he always stutters when he's about to come

- y'all switch positions around

- he's a bit shy but he's not vanilla

- will Connor McDo you good

- makes sure you come first

- he's a clingy cuddly teddy bear during the afterglow

his dick:

- he's packing

- doesn't need to be shy AT ALL

the experience:


(i'm sorry for the puns)

originally posted: 27th september 2017

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