Chapter 9

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I woke up with a screaming headache, and in Taylor's arms. "Good morning baby girl" Taylor says kissing me. "You were great last night" he says winking. "Shut up" I say giggling and playfully smacking him. I get up to make breakfast and put my clothes back on, I give tay a kiss and walk down stairs.

I walk down stairs to see a pissed off Matt. "What's wrong matt" i ask
"Nothing I'm fine" he says walking over to the couch and turning on the TV, I start making breakfast and I feel arms wrap around my waist, I look back and I see beautiful brown eyes and a bandana, It's tay I kiss him and he kisses back, he asks me if he can help? I say sure, he starts washing his hands, I'm just pouring my Cereal into my bowl until Taylor flicks a bunch of water at me. "TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF!!!!" I yell laughing and grabbing the oil spray stuff and spray him, his eyes get big and he gasps, "your gonna get it now!" He says I run and he catches me and picks me up and puts me over his shoulder. "TAYLOR MICHAEL CANIFF PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!" I yell, he puts me on the counter And kisses me and I kiss back. I look over and see Matt death starring us.

The front door opens to our hotel room and Taylor and I are still kissing. Its Bart, he walks through the door "hello gu-" he sees tay and I kissing and he doesn't seem vary thrilled but ok. "Um hi guys ok so today's the first event get ready!!!"

Hours pass and the events about to start, we walk on stage and all the fans are screaming, "hello New Jersey!!!" Cam says out of the microphone. The song lip gloss Starts playing and we're all dancing, tay puts his arm around me and I see one of the fans nudge the girl next to her and whisper, tay takes me into his arms and kisses me, the music stops and the spot light is on us, we stop kissing and the girl yells "LOOK TAYLOR AND RACHEL ARE KISSING!!!!" we look at Everyone and there all speechless and Matt walks off the stage,I give tay a kiss and I say in the microphone, we'll be right back guys I promise. And I walks off the stage and run after Matt.

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