Skull Cavern

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Serpents were flying at me from all directions. How was my energy so low already? I made sure to pack tons of energy tonics but clearly, they were no match for the hell hole that was Skull Cavern.

I sliced through rough green flesh with my Galaxy sword, but I was quickly becoming sluggish. The hoard of serpents was never ending, so I did the next best thing:

I ran.

The chase was nerve wracking, I was jumping over slimes and narrowly missing stones.

It felt like I was in a dream where I was being chased but my limbs were made of lead, except this was real life, I could die if I failed to pick up the pace.

I thought about Alex, he was probably worried sick. It was almost 1am and I was still not home. He never liked going to sleep until I was safe in bed beside him.

I dared to peak behind me and almost cried at the sight. The serpents were still hot on my tail, and a gigantic purple slime had the nerve to join them.

My eyes darted around the dim cave in hopes of finding a ladder, but there was none in sight. The ladder I arrived on was my best bet, but it was now too far away.

The shrill shrieks of the serpents filled my ears. This wasn't going to end well.

I swore as my foot caught on a rock and I slammed into the ground.

Oh no.

Luck must have been on my side because right in front of me was a dark shaft.

I peered inside. I couldn't see the bottom, it must have been at least 15 floors deep.

It was either the hole or the serpents. With one last look over my shoulder, I made up my mind. I dragged my body closer to the hole with the remaining energy I had left and let myself fall in.

I couldn't help but scream as I plunged through the endless darkness. Why did I think this was a good idea?

After a few seconds of falling, my back met the ground with a hard thud.

The air was knocked out of my lungs as my head bounced off the hard ground. I tried to breathe but it felt like the air was sucked out of the room.

I laid helplessly on the floor, sputtering like a fish out of water. Not a moment later, the pain hit.

The darkness of the room mixed with the hot lava flowing through my veins made me violently shudder.

My eyes rolled back in my head and I was gone. I was slipping away and I was giving up.

Sweet Yoba everything hurt so bad.

I closed my eyes.

I'm sorry Alex.


Everything was dark when I opened my eyes. Were my eyes even open?

Where was I?

The sound of shuffling echoed from somewhere nearby. My memories came rushing back. Was I still laying on the floor of Skull Cavern?

I might have been dead. Yeah, that was probably it.

There was some more shuffling, but it sounded closer this time.

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