Chapter 3 - Sly Cat, Dumb Fox

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So, thank you so much for the votes and the comments!

This one is if Lila had gotten a hold of the real fox miraculous and took the Ladybug miraculous from Marinette, then held her hostage to prevent her from spilling her secrets. 

Everything else is still the same, except everyone believes Lila's lies that Marinette went missing. 

Enjoy! Eevee xx


Marinette screamed, the fake fox heroine closing in on her. 

"Why are you running Marinette? I just want to talk to you!" Volpina hissed as she chased Marinette. Volpina knew the way she was going. All of a sudden, Marinette, being clumsy as she was, tripped and fell. Before she could get up, Volpine pinned her to the ground. 

"Let me go Lil-" She started before Volpina covered her mouth with her hand. 

"It's Volpina to you, you little mouse." She said coldly before searching for something. Marinette struggled against the fox villainess, before giving up, knowing the powers she had stolen gave her extra strength. "I know what you are, you revolting bug. Now, where are your earrings?" Volpina used her free hand to pull off Marinette's earrings. 


Marinette woke up, dazed and groggy. She looked around where she was, and couldn't see anything. She couldn't move either.  Light spilled in from under the darkness, and she could see. 

"Rise and shine, little bug." A voice hissed coldly, almost evilly. Lila was standing in front of her, wearing the fox miraculous and... her earrings! Tikki was floating sadly behind her. 

"TIKKI!" Marinette screamed. 

"Shut up!" Lila yelled, slapping Marinette hard. "I woke you up so you could witness the rise of Coccibella!"

"Coccibella? Really?" Marinette questioned, her face still stinging from the hit. Lila growled, searching for something on the desk nearby. 

"Aha!" She said, reaching into one of the draws. "This will shut you up." She was holding a roll of duct tape. 

"No! Lila, sto-" She started before Lila ripped off some duct tape and stuck it over her mouth. Marinette's screams for help were muffled. Marinette struggled against the bounds holding her to the chair she was tied to. 

"Now, little Marinette, time for you to 'go missing'." She cackled as she dragged Marinette's chair into a small closet. 


At school the next day...

The word was out, Marinette Dupain-Cheng was missing. 

"OMG, Marinette? Who would k*dnap her? She's such a sweetheart!" Rose said, sobbing at the sad news. Juleka had an arm around her. Lila walked up to Rose.

"It's ok, Rose! Who knows, maybe Marinette moved. She will be found soon." Lila reassured. 

Adrien was watching the whole exchange. Something was off about Lila. She seemed more stuck up than usual. He had a feeling Lila was behind Marinette's disappearance, and he was going to prove it. 


That's the end! Should I do part 2? Comment below if you want part 2!

Eevee xx

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